Slow Auto question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Jaco55, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. Popped a GDP auto seed, from a reputable seller, in soil on March 2. Soil is organic potting soil.
    Spouted on March 5th -
    I gave it a weak shot of FF Big Bloom on March 15th
    The plant appears healthy. Still has both cotyledons, but they are fading to yellow.
    Single fanleaf. No discernable growth since March 10th, Still a small seedling
    How long does it take an auto to start taking off?
  2. First question: why are you giving a seedling big bloom??
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  3. Big bloom has an NPK of 0-.5-.7 no nitrogen, which is what a young plant needs the most. The cotyledons are yellowing because the plant is using the stored nutrients in them because you aren't giving them what they need.
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  4. A pic and more info about your grow would be helpful.
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  5. the big bloom if you gave it directly to the plant probably killed it! a picture along with your light setup would help a lot look up Droskis run under indoor growing journals he is growing autos and you can compare his growth to yours
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  6. No, the big bloom will not kill it.
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  7. Time to scrap that plant and move on. I'd suggest ya get online and read up on the seedling stage. Tons of info out there.

    Usually when I'm stuck on something grow related I take the same questions I have in my head and head to Google. You'll have to sort through the BS but eventually you'll find an answer. And if your still stumped ya bounce the questions off some forum members.
  8. I have many successful grows under my belt. Never had this problem w/any grows
    Set up is - TS-1000 2x2x4 tent. The soil is 30% happy frog 50% Ocean Forest 20% perlite - I have always used the FF nutes and soil w/ no problems, I feed at 1/2 strength
    Nice harvests on all my photo grows
    Second try at Autos. This one still hasn't shown any growth
    I will shit can it and try again.
    Disapointment at wasted time
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  9. Automatics are fickle animals. They require far less than a normal photo. Half ditch weed so she don't need much. Plus iff ya make an error ya don't have much time to correct it.
    That rich soil blend may be a little to much for young plants. Hence the slow growth. In time they will adjust but like I said ya don't have much time with autos.
    Maybe a organic grower will pipe in here. I use peat n jacks. Organics make my head
  10. Well this one is some sort of mutant I guess. I'll care for it until it grows or dies
    In the mean time I will start another one

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