Hey guys. I've only been smoking for a little under a year and I usually just smoke joints/blunts. I have heard the terms bowl and slide used, but I don't know what the difference is. Help?
Sometimes people will say bowl in reference to a spoon type pipe. Often times people will use slide and bowl interchangeably and in reference to the bowl used in a bong. When referring to a bong bowl = slide.
This probably doesn't belong here, but oh well. If you're talking about a bong, A slide is the glass tube that goes into the water in a bong. A bowl is a glass attachment on the end of the slide that comes out to clear the pipe and contains the weed that is packed. Some cheaper pipes- referred to as "china glass"- have a slide with a bowl attached, and so it really could be referred to as either. Also, a "bowl" is often a common term for any dry pipe Hope that helps
Theoretically they could be the same thing. Slide, bowl or cone piece are all names for the receptacle you actually place the Pot in to burn it, an then draw into the main body of the bong. a Slide though denotes that the bong you are using doesnt have a "Carb", or a hole that you place you thumb/finger over as you draw smoke through your bong. Both the slide and carb are methods of rapidly clearing the bong of smoke, with a carb you would move your thumb/finger from the hole, and then air can rush through it, with a Slide the entire Conepiece is lifted from the jiont its sitting in, allowing ai to rush through the downstem that the Slide had been sitting in. Higher quality Bongs usually have a slide, with ground joints. Carbs and Slides are a personal prefrence thing (i like carbs, most of my friends use slides) Hope that helps clear things up
The glass tube that goes into the water is a downstem, not a slide. Bowls and slides are the same thing when it comes to bongs like leafy said.
In the context of contemporary 3+pc GonG waterpipes, a slide and a bowl are the same thing. You pack the bowl with whatever you're smoking, and then slide it up or out of the downstem to clear.