Sleeve's mini-micro. LED suplemented....

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by SleeveOfWizard, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Well, here we go again. I am building a turnkey mini grow box for some growing my friend wants to do.

    the beginnings...
    i use these cans to put in misc wires and cords for various electronics.

    i emptied it out and cut it up...

    add my exhaust...

    there you go...

    i'll get some more work done later. still need to light and scent proof it.

    plants will be grown in a 1 quart jar. using FFOF. this is being made for just running a single auto at a time, but i will most likely be testing it by just growing bagseed 12/12 from seed...

    I'm wanting to go LED, but dont think i will be able to get anything worthwhile with the budget i'm working with (aka, i dont want to spend anything)
    more to come

    any suggestions as far as diy leds??? i think i'll line the walls with a ton of 1w leds about 16-20 of them. but wide angle leds are so expensve
  2. Ebay... they got a led buld that's 3w... 42 leds total.. fits into a regular light socket... that what im using for my slim jim cam micro grow.
  3. are you using it for the full grow or just veg?
    does it grow very slow? ie. how would you compare it to a 26w cfl?
  4. This will be the ultimate dorm grow or somewhere you really dont need to be caught (aka get kicked out of uni, most places cant take it, that rule, that, seriously these days though?) you could even go as far as putting a fake compartment in the top and shove some stuff in there so it just looks full up!

  5. UPGRADED.:smoke:
  6. #6 SleeveOfWizard, Mar 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2011
    it actually will have something like this, albeit only 2" deep. but i usually keep my audio wires (like for my sterio, guitars, amps, etc) in these so i may just coil up some guitar wire in it. i'll pretty much be busted with the lid off, but if someone wasnt looking closely, they may pass it off.

    sorry i havent updated in a while.
    as some of you may know, i am on probation, and i am having to get drug tested again, so i have stopped smoking and wont be able to for a few months (i'm about to get off probation so thats why theyre checking up on me more). i also have started heping my uncle tear down an old machine shop that caught fire last year thats on his property, so i have very little free time at the moment.

    because of this, i am putting off doing another grow for the time being, so i will take advantage of the grow-spaces downtime to perfect it. i have decided to create a PCB led tray as i originally wanted to do, so heat will be no issue, and it will be plenty efficient.

    i'll put the led design and build up here too, but its still pretty early in the planning stages.
    updates will be coming on slowly until summer, but hopefully by then, this tin will be totally ready for a badass grow.

    one update i do have is that i may need to move my inlet up the tin. if i really makimixe the space of my pot (which will reach to the lip created by the joint of the 2 tins) i will effectivly choke off the air below the pot... when i have the final grow pot, i will decide what to do, whether it be add a new inlet, modify the exiting one, port the lip of the pot to allow airflow, or leave it as is.

    either way, i'll be back with some more building and designing updates soon.. and i'll try to keep them up throughout the downtime. perfecting the space and adding on lots of goodies and cool features that i hope will impress...:cool:

    cheers for the interest
    smoke one for me:p

    :afterthought: this space will have co2 injection, just not sure if it will be able to be automated or not yet. digital timed pneumatic valves are a little pricey. but if i can find just a cheap valve that is compatible with my co2 tanks and capable of handling the pressure, if it can be opened and closed easily enough, i could very possibly create my own automated timed valve to open the co2 valve for like 15sec with pressure regulated to ~40psi (thats down from ~800) and have the fans turn off during that time and stay off for like an hour and it does it say 3 times a day or every 12hrs or something
  7. Hey if your still here, you should upload some pics, not sure if you got sketched out and deleted them off of photobucket or not, but we can't see em xD
  8. haha, yea i'm still around and i did delete the pics.
    this hasnt been abandoned, just postponed as i have gotten a new job and will be moving soon, so i have alot to deal with.

    I'll be back in full force once i get comfortable at my new place. I've also been amassing leds over time, so I should have quite a bit of wattage once I actually get going..
  9. Hey guys been a while...
    I now have a total of 58w of LEDs. I figure once I hit 75w I will start the grow, and try to get to 100-125w for flowering.

    I dont know if I should get an auto-flower or fem seed yet.
    I figure with a fem seen I can maximize the grow space, but I thought the auto would be fast to produce and make for a good test run. what do you think?

    I'll post up some new pics here in a few days. I havent mounted any LEDs yet so I'm working on that...

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