Sleeping pills that are ok to take with alcohol?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Easius, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. I have a problem whenever I have been drinking I can't fall asleep. I end up pulling all nighters like every friday and saturday night... trying to get in to see a doctor for a prescription, but been really busy and would like to know if theres anything I can ask for that might work ok with alcohol?

  2. Most sleep aids are made stronger by alcohol. (usually says it on the bottle)

    They generally don't intend on the person being drunk before trying to go to sleep..

    Kinda got yourself in a corner :smoke: . I'd say have fun drinkin...then give yourself a few hours to sober up before taking whatever the doc prescribes you.

    The alcohol and sleep aid mixed usually results in lighter/slower breathing so it's not somethin you wanna play with right before going to sleep...may not wake up.
  3. You aren't going to find any sleeping medication that doesn't interact with alcohol except weed (as far as the killing you part goes).

    Just get yourself high or quit drinking and take the pills. That 6 pack alone may not kill you and that bar or two alone may not kill you but both together may.
  4. i took remeron for a while and as far as i know it doesnt have any interactions with alcohol. its an anti anxiety medicine that can cause drowsiness and helps ya kinda settle your mind. i dont remember hearing or reading anything about it being unsafe or dangerous when drinking. and its not something that can really be abused so ya wouldnt have to feel weird like maybe asking your doc about benzos

    it also goes by the name mirtazapine which is just a generic version, same drug.
  5. hmmm OH I KNOW ONE! Its called Marijuana! :wave:
  6. Remron is a strong antipsychotic that can cause very bad side effects in many people.. You really shouldn't be taking it at all unless you have a severe mental problem, you'll regret it in the long run.

    Seroquel on the other hand is a more mild antipsychotic that I use now (was on remron before, had a BAD reaction to it) and it would probably be a better idea since it's relatively benign in its side effects.
  7. ya is suppose, but i did have a very severe mental problem so it worked out alright for me.

    but yea a buddy of mine needed something to help him sleep once, so i gave him one or possibly two of the 30 mgs and he ended up with a minor fever and his whole body got really red. but the benedryl/nyquil mix put him to sleep after he had to go to walmart at 4 in the morning to get it
  8. Thank you dramacyde for correcting that. Antipsychotics are definitely not drugs you want to take unless you HAVE to.
    To the OP, any sleep drug is going to interact with alcohol. It warns you right on the prescription bottle. Alcohol + sleep drugs can very easily be fatal. They both depress your breathing, and if your body is too sedated, you can stop breathing without warning. The autonomic nervous system is nothing to fuck with.
    I've been the victim of activated charcoal before because I thought I could handle a sedative with some alcohol.
    If you do need to take a sedative, I would suggest not mixing it with alcohol. But it's really up to you whether you want to sleep or get drunk. But honestly, your insomnia is your fault if you know you can't sleep after drinking and you still drink anyway.
  9. is this a trick question?
  10. ^^ No, just a dumb but innocent one. With shit these days I wouldn't be surprised if they found some sleeping med that wouldn't kill you with booze.
  11. Make indica weed capsules. That sounds amazing.

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