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Sleeping on a T-Break?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MarijuanaMole, May 2, 2011.

  1. I haven't gotten high since Friday, and while I'm obviously not fiending for a bowl of dank or anything, sleeping has been a real struggle for me. The past two nights I've been tossing and turning until about 3:30-4 in the morning, even after getting plenty of exercise during the day (last night I made sure I kicked my ass with the weights before finally going to bed). My body knows it's tired and needs rest, but my mind won't let it.

    TL;DR: I can't sleep on a t-break and exercise didn't help much either. Any tips or am I going to have to reach for the cold medicine?
  2. I haven't smoked since march because I'm being drug tested right now. At first I had a difficult time sleeping also, but after a few days I went back to normal. Don't over think it. It might be more psychological than anything.
  3. Masturbate til you pass out
  4. I used to have that problem on breaks, now I just get in bed and don't think about not being able to sleep and just relax and close my eyes and it works well enough
  5. It goes away after about a week or so. In the mean time just set alarms for when you want to wake up, regardless of when you go to sleep. Eventually your body will be too tired to give a shit.
  6. I've had the same problem, always have honestly. Anytime I quit smoking for any duration of time I have severe insomnia for a few days. I've come to accept it as part of the process. Usually I just take some Tylenol PM or some Xanax and just pass the fuck out if I can't fall asleep on my own.
  7. firstly, talk to a doctor if the problem persists, you shouldn need marijuana to sleep.

    if your exercising before bed, this will keep you up, especialy if your dirnking energy drinks or sports drinks that increase your metabolism like redline.

    try not to drink caffeine for like 8 hour at least before you plan on going to bed

    if none of those help then your like me and my brother and just have trouble sleeping.

    my doctor prescribed me a sleeping pill that works decently, but i try not to take them every day.

    also if you developed a dependance on marijuana (it is possible despite what people want to believe) it may take a few days to fully be able to sleep without it.

    if worst comes to worst, your health is more important that your tbreak, if you go 5 days without weed, and 5 days wihtout sleep, smoke up one day, just to catch up on sleep
  8. exercise some more, unless your jay cutler u could always use more exercise
  9. it's part of the mental addiction/withdrawal. will get better after a week or so.
  10. sleeping meds?
  11. i always have that problem bro, cant seem to fall sleep for the first couple of days when I go on a break. i exercise regularly and even try to go harder on my breaks. eventually you get used to it and pass out like a baby
  12. yes i hate this, just give it a week, things will go back to normal
  13. I started my first day of my break today (at least 90 days). This plus boredom is what kept me from doing it sooner...Hopefully after a week it will be easier.
  14. You know this man, I havn't smoked since thursday, I lie awake for like at least an hour if I go to bed at a normal time.
  15. Try working out, or playing a sport. get your body tired, just sitting home all day and wasting no energy makes it hard for your body to sleep because you have all that energy still.
  16. I think too much when I lay down to sleep. That's what keeps me awake. I work out and hit the gym but nothing seems to help much.
  17. Melatonin, diphenhydramine, various teas have sedation/relaxation effects, alcohol. Also working out. And there's this trick my ex taught me years ago. You lay flat on you back and close your eyes, then slowly picture every body part from your feet to your head. If you do it right once you get to your head you should be asleep. It's probably just a relaxation thing so meditation would probably work as well.
  18. Somebody may have already suggested this, but roofies are always an option.... you gotta get in the back of my van first though.
  19. Benedryl.....20 minutes and you're out.

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