Worth getting or no? I've been contemplating for a week or so. Reasons? I played a bit on PC at a friend's place. Mainly wandered aimlessly, but had a blast.
Just started working and recently bought BF3. And Madden 12 HOF as a Christmas present. Get paid Monday though so may buy the game tomorrow.
I bought BF3 at midnight. Enjoyed the hell out of it. I picked up Skyrim like four days ago. Haven't played BF3 since. Skyrim is seriously the best game I have ever played.
BF3 is on sale for $30 for black friday, just sayin! but if you like single player, get skyrim. i personally don't like single player, so i'm waiting until Dec. 20th for Star Wars: The Old Republic i'm in beta now and it's legitimately amazing.
this is a crazy question, like asking if its worth it to have electricity and the internet. where have you been? get skyrim. reasons? because i'm a blowfish, and you can trust me.
It may be a great game but don't get it.. yet anyway. I'm holding off on buying it right now because I know after DLC has been released, there will be an edition that includes all DLC and you'll be able to get it for like $40.. I mean, it's a single player game, so it's not like by waiting you're missing out on peak community size in online multiplayer or anything. You can enjoy it later just as much as you can now because it will be the same thing (well, with DLC). It may be another 1-1 1/2 years before that edition comes out though... Which is a long time to wait I guess. But there are enough other games to hold the time over I think.. And hell, if you haven't played Oblivion or the Fallout games, you could get one of those and it will hold you until the DLC edition comes out.
This game just doesnt do it for me. Too slow paced and dying in a single player game is more frustrating than anything. Glad I dont pay for single player games though, that would be extremely painful to think about.
Dude it's ridiculous that they're only charging $60 for Skyrim. The game has like 15 games worth of content in it.
Oh ya, sprinting endlessly around the same maps, shooting the same guns, listening to the same kids is so much better because it's faster paced (Halo being the exception). If you thought about the combat situation you were entering and prepared properly for it, I doubt you would be dying as much thus having more fun and playing the game as your supposed to. Using your brain>listening to kids call you a fag. Get out from under your rock PC Gamer.
[quote name='"FallenOne08214"']Worth getting or no? I've been contemplating for a week or so. Reasons? I played a bit on PC at a friend's place. Mainly wandered aimlessly, but had a blast.[/quote] Skyrim puts Oblivion to shame. If you liked Oblivion, you'll sell your soul to Skyrim [quote name='"AcousticToker"'] Oh ya, sprinting endlessly around the same maps, shooting the same guns, listening to the same kids is so much better because it's faster paced (Halo being the exception). If you thought about the combat situation you were entering and prepared properly for it, I doubt you would be dying as much thus having more fun and playing the game as your supposed to. Using your brain>listening to kids call you a fag. Get out from under your rock PC Gamer. [/quote] Hey now! No taking shots at the PC gamers here! I'm one myself. We're not all hardcore elitist FPS gamers. I only like games I can play casually. As a father, I don't have time for hardcore gaming. I'd rather watch my son grow up than watch my rank/level/loot grow up.
If you have the will power to wait then mogwais advice is probably best... there will be dlc that you will want and will be overpriced. That being said skyrim is an amazing game and if you just want something to waste a hundred hours then skyrims your solution haha
I'm at 23hours into the game, combat level is 22 and I've done a shit load in the game, but I say I'm 5-10% complete. It's an amazing game, but addicting, so if you don't have multiple hours to sit down and play, you'll be playing that shit for months.
Spent like 9 hours just running around stoned, picking flowers, staring at the world. Haha I did like 27 misc quests and 3 main.
If I remember correctly Oblivion dropped pretty fast. I don't remember how long Fallout 3 took but I know Fallout NV dropped really fast despite positive reviews. It might take over a year but I wouldn't expect it to take much longer. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I really hope it drops sooner than later though