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Skitsofrenia and Marijuana

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by yootoobe3434, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. i tried the search function, but couldn't find anything on this so here it is...

    what is the link between the two? if someone starts at age 15 (male) and has a joint everyday for 10 years, will he develop it? what are some signs of it so the user can know when he is developing it? is this fixed by a vape or putting it in food?

  2. It's because you spelled schizophrenia wrong.
  3. No link.


    You hear random speech, and there's nobody around that could have said it
    You see things that you know can't exist, or are so improbable that you'de sooner bet on the existence of Santa
    You have paranoid delusions that the FBI is after you/trying to kill you for who knows what reason.
    You talk to the "voices in your head", and try to get them to shut up.

    Of course, this only applies if you aren't on Salvia, Acid, PCP, or other hallucinogenic substances.
  4. yeah pretty sure im skit so frenic on salvia like you just said
  5. Study clears cannabis of schizophrenia rap â€Â¢ The Register


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