skipping rope

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Renkluaf, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. i bought a skipping rope to start my journey to lose some weight!

    and because you can't skip rope on cod..yet
  2. i do this all the time, at the end of training sessions and a couple mornings a week before breakfast, usually 20 or 30 minutes. took a while to get me to that level though but when i started hitting 10 minutes was a task. its a good fitness tool especially if running isn't your forte.
  3. If you eat fat and cut the carbs, youll lose weight.

    Also only do lots of workout if youre eating less then 400 calories (100 grams of actual carbohydrates per day) if you're really, really fat. You'll lose weight faster that way.
  4. wow, thats actually a great theory.

    theoretically, eating fat will create an abundance, forcing your body to burn off fat for energy. wish i would have thought of that when i lost all that weight
  5. Smoke dope, skip rope :D
  6. lmao good shit
  7. not a theory, but true. carbs raise insulin to pack on fat, cause evolutionarily we only eat carbs when theres no real fat andn protien.

    i lost 100 lbs high fat adequate protien low carb paleo eating ribs steak every day. ask how. im typing like this cuz keyboard broke, am using onscreenkeyboard.
  8. i always jump rope. is it really that effective? i feel like its not
  9. Remember Me...

    [ame=]YouTube - "Skip It" Toy Commercial[/ame]

  10. Oh snap, I totally had a pink one.
  11. if you want to lose weight this way, it will work for a short time period. however it's a horrible diet. IT WILL lead to obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Please don't do that to yourself

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