So a few hours ago me and three friends were cruising around taking hash rips and we were a few blocks from my house. We saw a skinhead walking into a house with his girlfriend. He had a shaved head, jeans and white shirt, red suspenders, and steel toed boots with red laces. We all despise ignorant people like that. One of my friends yelled "FUCK YOU SKINHEAD!!!" and he started running after the car haha. We got stuck at a red light and he came up and was talkin shit. O and this was when we realized he had a huge septum piercing haha he looked ridiculous. He spit at the driver and we were about to get out and fight if thats what he wanted but then the light changed and we didn't want to make a scene right there at a busy intersection. We took off and continued to enjoy some good hip hop music on the way to our friends house. FUCK IGNORANT PEOPLE ESPECIALLY RACISTS
Not all skinheads are racist, some of them are actually heavily anti facist. Its all kinda wierd but it grew out of a music genre. Most skin heads became racist, but there are still a lot who are not. Still, I wouldn't mind if all racist skin heads where gone.
Red laces and braces means he's made someone who isn't white bleed. They're earned, and it's taken very seriously when someone wears them without earning them.
^Ninja'd If this guy was in fact a skin head, then he was racist, because he had red laces. The only time you are allowed to wear red laces is by earning them by spilling blood or killing another person violently. I do not think a gun sot counts for them, I believe you have to use a knife, bat, or some other hand combat weapon.
He could have easily been a S.H.A.R.P. (Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice) or mod. By you yelling out things of that nature your doing exactly that which you despise and deem as "ignorant"
me being a skinhead i take the VERY offensively, i am anti-fascist and i believe in unity between all races. so heres a big FUCK YOU to you're friend and hopefully you guys learned your lesson. and speaking about being ignorant, i think you're the ignorant ones in this situation only thinking all skinheads are racist, so fuck you, fuck your friends and i would have applauded the skinhead for beating the hell out of all of you. next time think about what your saying and dont act all tough because you're in a group. i know for a fact not a single one of you pussies would have said that if you were alone.
fuck that, your friend should be in a ICU right now. if hes gunna talk shit be a man about it and fight. dont drive away in a car giggling. bet your still in highschool to arnt you? shits so immature. do us all one favor, grow the FUCK up. honestly.
Rofl that's the most ignorant shit I've heard in a while. I love how you guys automatically assume he's a skinhead because he has a shaved head and dresses a certain way. And then you start shit by running your mouth. If he were a skinhead, he probably would've had a gun. And you and your friends would probably be dead for running your mouth to the wrong person. Even though you guys outnumbered him and still ran away hahaha. Looks like you're telling yourself to fuck off there.
I don't know, I think if someones going to display extreme opinions like that, people should be able to express their hatred without getting into a fight.
Dude, I know plenty of skinheads, there nice as hell and never carry guns. People automatically assume there some racist people out to kill anyone that looks at them wrong.
sorry for posting again but this really pisses me off. you do this, THEN come on GC only to brag about how you are so tough by running you're guys' mouths then driving off in a car? honestly i hope he sees you again and beats the living hell out of you
thats still shit tho. thats the same as some one screaming fuck you ***** to a black guy out the window and drivin off. its bullshit. grow up.
this is just turning into one big hate thread he obviously thought the skinhead was racist because of the red braces and laces(now i dont know a sweet fucking clue about this shit..just going by what people said) he went by what he observed, what he thought was right, and came to a opinion... now dont get me wrong, im not agreeing with him at neutral in shit like this...i keep my opinion to myself, and dont really take sides also its not cool to talk shit to people when in groups
Wow you people need to chill. Obviously all skinheads aren't racists. While I don't completely agree with it, I can understand and respect the ones who are about racial purity and that kind of stuff. If you don't know what red laces symbolize I found this quote on google, "Bootlace color indicating the wearer has shed blood for the skinhead movement. Racist skinheads will often randomly attack non-whites to "earn" their red laces." StickyStick- I got nothing against you or what you believe in. When I see someone in laces like that what else am I supposed to assume other than this guy gets down beating up on minorities? To be honest, I don't have any problem with racists either, as long as they're not violent and out to fuck people up. That just crosses a line that shouldn't be crossed. And some of you guys are right, I wouldn't have said anything to that guy whether I was alone or with a group. I'm not someone who looks for trouble and I know better than to say something like that. My friend obviously had some nerve to say that and I agreed with what he said although I would never say it.
I'd agree if this braces and laces thing is a load of crap. I've never heard of it before, and google gives different meanings for the colours.