Sketchy bitch

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by RainbowReefer, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. So the other night I go to pick up an eighth of regs from a guy I don't really know. He pulls up in the car with some of his friends, and I get in for a second to get the eighth. The car is pretty much pitch black, but we're not in the most secluded area. I hand him the money and he hands me the sack. I eyeball it for a second and it looks to be an eighth, so I thank him and get out. I should have known something was up when basically the whole sack was ground up. Later I go to smoke it, and it's fucking dry as shit and smells like fucking spices. Turns out it was just little bits of weed mixed in with a shit ton of oregano. :mad: I'm pissed and feel like a complete noob. I'm kicking myself for not looking more closely at the sack, damn.
  2. Dam swindlers!
  3. thats shitty as fuck i feel for you man how much did it set you back?
  4. Fuck. Sorry. That sucks.
  5. Just $20, but still, I expected to actually get some actual fucking bud. =/
  6. Don't buy regs.


    No really though, that sucks.
  7. And this is why you should never be in too big of a hurry to check out what you buy.
  8. Don't feel like a noob, man. I was sold "hash" once for $40, only to find out it was a fuckin' bouillon cube. (Yes, my early days...)

    It happens to us, once in awhile.
  9. i know how you feel. that shit happened to me before.

    but now you know never to buy from that dude again. so, just let it go. you dont wanna mess with drug dealers because you dont know what kinda shit their into and who they affiliate with.

    let it be, let it be. whispher words of wisdom, let it be.

  10. wise words
  11. Yeah bro, theres no reason to obsess or get angry over it, it happens to many people here and there (Often when new to the area, and dont have years old hookups) over the years..

    ..Just take it as a lesson to check out the sack, and if you feel sketch, just dont do it. Trusting your gut really does work. and of course..DONT GIVE THIS GUY ANY MORE BUSINESS. EVER.
  12. Lol nice beatles reference (xtiffany) that songs something special man.....oh shit you want me to tlk about stuff...yeah that sucks man but damn if you are uncomfortable why you buying man stay with your main most secure wouldnt smoke out with a super white glasses wearing tie wearing mustached male at 2am in the morning in a dark corner nestled between two projects and adorned with the rotting corpses of last week's hoes in a gray unmarked van with only one working slide door now would you?
  13. I suggest you go talk to another grasscity member for advice. His name is mitchy and something similar happened to him.

    Nah just playing, unless your looking to get ur ass kicked three times to add to your 20 dollar loss. AHHH poor old mitchy:(
  14. #15 Tekken, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    ^:hello: what a noob.

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