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Sketchiest place you've toked...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ChamberChamber, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. For me, the Sketchiest place I've smoked up would have to be outside of the Sears Home store near the mall, right next to the 401 beside a snowbank. That or the bay we go by to sesh when at school :) How about you guys?
  2. I think it probably was when late at night i smoked on train tracks out by my friends house. I had just rained and the ground was all muddy. sketchy but was fun :D
  3. high school bathroom.
  4. Way too many to count, like really.
    But its only sketchy if you make it sketchy, and sketchyness comes around sketch people. Thats a fact.
  5. I smoke while skateboarding down to venice..
  6. Inside my dorm room, or right outside in broad daylight - walking between the administrative buildings, ducking into corners, looking over my shoulder... skeeetch.
  7. Reminds me of a few days ago when me and my buddy went to the very top of the stairwell in an admin building at my college and whipped out our onehitters that were already full of some dank and lit up the place :smoking: we both ended up having like 2 or 3 hits out of our pipes so it reeked and there was no air moving up there so the smoke was just lingering haha :)
  8. Probably with my dumbass friends at a school at night. I wouldn't be sketch but they were buggin out lol.
  9. in the hospital parking garage.....and in a park in broad daylight when 2 cops passed and a saw us holding a water bottle with aluminum foil and a lighter. they just waved at us and kept on there business
  10. in my moms closet while she was having sex with one of her clients..
  11. I toked in the cinema comfort room while I was watching Avatar. Really sketchy specially cuz lots of people are in the cinema. No one saw me though. Dont think Ill be doing that again.

    :smoking:Handle your scandal.:smoking:
  12. High school, college, church, walking down the street, rest stops, bars, concerts. You name it iv smoked there.
  13. On random yachts at the marina, high school courtyard, and I still blaze in the sauna at the yacht club on a regular basis.
  14. On the roof of an elementary school.
  15. smoked in the bathroom of a casino called Buffalo Bills, sketchy as fuck.
  16. i was at some really sketchy apartment buliding in a bad part of town but my friend rolled a fat blunt of purple urkel :smoking:
  17. In a metro (subway) car :p.
  18. i toke walking to the gas station on the corner sometimes but besides that the only other sketchy place i smoke are my apartment building parking lots.
  19. lol, there are definitely some good ones on here. Here are my 2: the first was when a my friend, his cousin and I went and parked in the parking lot of a public sports park type thing, and a cop pulled right next to us so we had to split fast! were were not seasoned tokers at the time so we sketched hard lol. The 2nd, was at this German Language competition at Daytona Beach. I rolled some fat J's and 2 other kids and I hotboxed the bathroom in one of their rooms. An administrator came in and I hauled ass out, and when they started searching rooms for alcohol and bud i flushed the rest of mine (would have eaten but i was drunk and it was regs:rolleyes:) and hid my piece on the beach. got it back the next morning :D

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