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Sketchiest People You've Bought From?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bamblacha, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. This was inspired by that thread "Sketchiest places you've toked"

    And I would like to point out that im not asking for hook ups or anything for all those people who a forum rules fanatics.

    So who are the sketchiest people you've bought from and what happened? Ill tell one of mine to get it all started.

    I had hit up all my guys and they were all dry at the same time. So i called up a friend and asked if he could hook me up. He says he just got this new connect but he was a little weird i said sure fine whatever. So I call him and tell him i want a half and we figure everything out. The whole time hes sounds super paranoid and stuff. When i go down to the park where we said we would meet up and i see his car i get in the car like we had already pre-planned would happen. I pull out the money and i ask for the stash. This is when things went a little crazy. He lifts his shirt up just enough so that i can see the hilt of a pistol. at this point im like FUCKKKKKK. but then he lowers his shirt back down and pull out this fat bag from under his seat. tells me to grab a handful and to never call him again. I grab the fattest handful i can, stuff it in my coat pockets and fucking dip. It was some fire though, no doubt :hello:

    So what are your stories GC?
  2. That guy diden't seem sketchy, that fucker sounded dangrous.

    I guess the sketchest for me would be some asshole who asked if I was a cop like 30 times.
  3. The setchiest deal I ever went through wasn't for bud. Yeah yeah no other drugs blah blah. So I picked up some (insert illegal drug here) in the basement of a really run down apartment building. I show up and the guy has his hand in his coat so I start bugging out a little bit. Pretty soon I am in a room surrounded by the sketchiest people I have ever seen in my life. Nothing bad happened, i justtook it gave him the cash and left.
  4. I gripped from some dude who flipped rocks. Had some awful prices but some of the best exotic nugget I've ever seen. 225 for a half ounce and he always tried to short me a gram or two but I had him put it on my digi while I had a boy or two of mine kicking it while he came through. Cryptic shit, but the dude was a boofer.
  5. Some old skank called sue brown who also catered to smack heads her house was the most run down shit hole ive ever seen empty needles every where stained matresses in the front room. Good sized weed deals but I fucking hated going there.
  6. The sketchiest guy that I have bought off is some really lanky kid. We arranged a meeting spot, so I go there and I see him pull up, but it wasn't him driving, it was his MOM! The whole time I was just thinking "WTF, does his mom knows he sells weed?!" Kid was also mad sketch too. He tried to do the "pretend to handshake and hand over the goods while i hand over the money at the same time" thing and I failed and he FLIPPED on me. One of the greatest deals I ever got though haha.
  7. amphetamine dealers/users. :p
  8. back in the day there was a guy at my highschool from africa, had the best bud at the school but whenever you hit him up for the first time he pulled a gun on you and asked if you were a snitch, then gave you ur weed and left... lol
  9. When i first started toking a couple of years back I bought from a dude named "Mike" who was really sketchy and only sold to highschool kids.

    I met him at the usual spot, see him pull up and so I get out of the car and start walking to him. At this point he flips shit, basically floors it and starts heading right towards me. :eek: I guess he realized he was about to run my ass over so he swerves and pulls out onto the road going like 60 miles an hour.

    I was already high when this happened, so I wish I could've seen the look of sheer terror on my face when he started driving haha.

    Later that night I actually bought from him, and he told me he thought he saw cops :confused:
  10. Well for me, it must have been the 2 dollar homeless man that was sitting at the bus station, asking for two dollars.

    He is a pretty creepy guy. He's always asking for $2. Out of all amounts you could ask for, every time I see him he asks for $2. He also repeats a lot of what people say and end it with a "huh".

    That's how we ended up buying off of him actually. Me and my buddy where walking past him, and my buddy said something in the lines of "not enough weed basically". Then 3 seconds later we here him say "not enough weed basically, huh?". So we turn around and have a conversation with him.. (not much of a conversation, more of a talking to a toddler type of conversation). So we end up buying a sawbuck off of him. It was actually really dank and he hooked it up to a 0.7-0.8. Sawbucks around here are usually just 0.5 grams.

    So yeah.. hands down. Sketchiest person I've ever bought from. The weird thing is though, after that day, I've never saw him again. :smoke:
  11. the sketchiest guy i ever dealt with was this ghetto ass dude who would always have me ride with him and his friend to go get the shit and we had to park in an abandoned parking lot place and waited for the guy to walk up to the car to give it to us ....... turns out tho the guy and his friend were gay and were blarin katy perry's firework song when i got out of the car hahahaaha go figure !!

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