skate or skate 2?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by phire420, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. Which one of these games has better game play? I have only played the first one a couple times and loved it. I like how realistic the physics and the environment is, I heard the 2nd one is a little more 'THPSish' in the bag of tricks. Is Skate 2 worth the extra $30?
  2. The second one has a MUCH more skate-able city and lots more down-hill bombing which is fun.
    It also has more tricks, a better line-sequence scoring system, more challenges, and best of all the ability to control yourself when bailing + ability to get off board.

    I'd say yes.

    I don't own the second one, only the first, but from what I've seen and played of it at my friend's house I'd say ya.
  3. Just ordered Skate 2! I got it on ebay for $48 NIB, including media mail.
  4. Deffinatly worth it, some of the mission are a little more THish but you can still rip up some realistic lines just as easy. Plus you can get off your board, hippy jump, footplant, handplant, one foot, no comply... the list goes on and on just buy it.

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