Six Months Later...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Shade, Sep 26, 2010.

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  1. It's all about youthful folly, carefree living, distrust of authority, feeling like the world is your oyster, thinking that your thoughts are original, discovering new ideas, learing how to live on your own (sometimes, lol). It's very healthy, and exactly like the way it was when I was at their age - no better, no worse. The trick is to mature but remain youthful - and I have done quite well at that, if I must say so.

    Getting back to the topic at hand, rather than the personalities of the thread participants, there's a lot of good stuff in this plan, and some of it has been implemented already.

    What?s Changing and When - Timeline: What's Changing and When | Understand the New Law |
  2. straight from the government themselves, good source
  3. LOL for real.. c'mon dude.. :rolleyes:

    you know the whitehouse website used to say how great GW Bush was right?
    Does that mean he's great?

    oh and Monsanto is all for human rights.. they are a great company. (their website says so)

  4. Good to know, garrison--but this much is abundantly apparent without any clarification from you.
  5. The sky is falling, according to Chicken Little, lol.

    The world changes, it's part of life. We're going through a period of transition and you'll just have to accept it. Being young, you feel inviincible. I felt the same way. It dosn't last, in a few years you'll get it.

  6. Just wait 10-20 years. He will soon realize that he was wrong. Obamacare is a failure. More spending, More Taxes, More Debt is not the solution. So therefore the Obama Administration fails as a whole.

  7. You can patronize me all you want with your logical fallacy that age necessarily = wisdom. I'm 27 years young--not exactly the child you'd like to make me about to be simply because you can't seem to contend with my arguments. Then again, this wouldn't be the first time you've resorted to ad hominem attacks, would it? No, but it is, as it consistently proves itself to be, the last resort you turn to when your "age-old" arguments fall apart before your eyes.

    The sky is falling, or haven't you noticed the perpetually rising unemployment rate, the perpetually growing devaluation of the dollar, the perpetually rising cost of living, the perpetual loss of individual liberties, the perpetually worsening domestic, economic, and foreign climate, and so on and so forth.

    Cover your ears with your hands and close your eyes all you want, all the while banking on the idea that a particular change is necessarily a good thing so long as it's change. In the end you'll just end up another lemming victimized by your own naivete and ignorance--which is fine by me, if that's what you want to be; more power to you. But when you attempt to drag everyone else down your spiral of lunacy, including myself, by way of aggression and coercion--yes, I will take issue.

    In the meantime spare me your sophomoric attempts to sound wise. Want to prove your wisdom? Make some intelligent contributions instead of getting repeatedly schooled by those who are younger in age, but clearly not in intellectual capacity. Try learning a thing or two about the topics you presume to be an authority on, try learning to employ reason and logic, try learning how to engage in meaningful and substantial discourse, try learning to practice critical thinking.

    Just don't break a hip in the process; I don't want to have to pay for your medical bills.
  8. I really have nothing to say to this. Somebody so young, yet bitter and "old" sounding - it's really sad. One can only imagine these people during the Revolution, when everything was changing fast. Judging by their opinions and mentalities, I think they would have been in the Tory camp, and hightailed it up to Canada, either voluntarily or otherwise, before the fighting even began.
  9. I'm a Conservative/Libertarian sir, I would have been fighting right along side the founding fathers. Liberals and authoritarians like you would have hightailed it into Canada where the British government intervened like the U.S govt does today.
  10. #50 Shade, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
    Either that or they'd get fitted for snazzy red coat.

    Hmm, weird. Sounds similar to my own assertions. I wonder who could have said such things. Must have been some young guy who is afraid of change, probably someone who fled to Canada during the Revolution.

    Oh wait... it was Thomas Jefferson.
  11. Y'all know there is an ignore button, right? Save us from having to babysit. ;)

    Thread has run it's course and devolved into personal bickering.
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