Site was down for a few minutes

Discussion in 'New Forum Upgrade Bug Tracker' started by Royksopp, Mar 3, 2016.

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  1. So about 10 minutes ago the site was down for a few minutes displaying this error:


    Seems to be working now, but figured I'd let you guys know anyway!

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  2. Hey man did that toooooo
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  3. sooooorry my ooooo key gets stuck sooooometimes
  4. Saw that too. Thought something bad happened for a second.

    Decided to pack a fat hash bowl and wait things out. Glad to see it's all good.
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  5. i had that happen around like 3pm pst today also it was gone in a few seconds though
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  6. We are monitoring the servers for further optimisations. This is a completely new system so we need to monitor nd apply optimisations. We shall be done in 72 hours max and when we are done , website shall load even faster :)
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