Since Barrack OBAMA doesnt support gay marriage, does that make him a homophobe?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by QP3, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Or is this a term reserved for non-liberals only?
  2. What a silly question.

    Please tell me how being against Gay marriage makes one a hater of homosexuals?

  3. Well liberals state that republicans are against gay marriage because they are homophobes. I just wanted to know if the same standard is applied to barrack obama .

    For instance, if you dont support the ground zero mosque , you are an "islamaphobe". If you speak against Obama, you are a racist. If you are in the Tea party you are stupid AND a racist.......
  4. Putting words into others mouths in order to propose your own agenda is not very wise. I, myself, am fairly liberal, yet I have never once thought that anyone who opposes Obama was racist, or that if you were against the mosque you were an Islamaphobe.

    I think you are oversimplifying complex arguments to the lowest-common-denominator, by viewing those with opposing viewpoints as reactionary and easy to label. Perhaps you should judge others less and open yourself up to arguing in a coherent, logical manner.
  5. Also, when you say Liberals claim that if you are against gay marriage (which I am not btw) you are a homophobe, who exactly are you quoting? I'd like to see some proof of your supposition.

    See, hatred is a very, very strong word. The way we Americans use it in our speech patterns suggests otherwise, for example: "I hate this or I hate that" really means "this annoys me". To hate is the opposite of to love, and it's not a word that should be thrown around very often, or at least as often as it is used. To be a homophobe means that you actively hate people of a homosexual background. Is it common? Yes, yes it is. I see it every day, and it sickens me. So to suggest that our President is a homophobe is pretentious and wrong. The President cannot afford to hate anyone in this country, regardless of race, creed or sexual orientation.
  6. He's not scared of gay people, he's scared of voters.

  7. Um...I didn't ask about the TEA PARTY, I asked about homophobes...remember?


  8. If you are going to try and discredit people buy using the old " troll trick" at least use a cool troll picture. For example:



  9. Perhaps, but you're aware that the mass media does do this? Stop playing games in defense of the media. :rolleyes:
  10. I might say that you're over-generalizing the mass media Dronetek as you always do, you do so love your anti-media agenda. Besides which, this thread isn't about the media whatsoever, and you're the first person to bring it up. Funny how that works.

    Also son, don't tell me what to do, it's not polite, and it's not your place.

  11. There ya go buddy!
  12. It wasn't about the media until you brought it up

    I swear it's like listening to a Southern preacher blaming everything on the devil and his wicked ways

  13. What does that mean? You fail at reading comprehension?

    The SPECIFIC question I asked, which you STILL haven't answered was this:

    I didn't ask you about tea parties or those claiming that they're racist. I asked about liberals labeling those against gay marriage homophobes. SO 'buddy' please provide sources of that.
  14. I googled 'anti gay marriage homophobe' and got this HUffPo article: Target Homophobia?

    Did the gay community boycott all of Obama's corporate supporters? Were they called homophobes by HuffPo?
  15. It is interesting, don't you think, that the only mentions of homophobia in that article are in the headline and in two of the comments.

  16. No, I think your selection of fringe sources pretty much seals the deal

    I'll stand by for a YouTube interview with a raving homeless man if you have it, though

  17. lol thats the best you can do?

  18. lol thats the best you can do? Huffington post is a raving homeless man? Will, pull head out of ass please.

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