Simulator Sickness (video games) Pot help?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by tharedhead, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. I was just wondering what effect pot has on simulator sickness? (motion sickness from video games)
    Does it help with the nausea?
    I've found a lot on this topic, but nothing that relates to pot

    Mohammad Haseeb » Game Sickness, Dizziness, Vertigo, Nausea and Epilepsy
  2. .. I dunno about all that, but I find it makes me a lot more intuitive while playing, and makes my playing a lot more responsive, resulting in much more ass-kickery than when sober.
  3. I get this. I'm also really effected by strobe lights. I don't have epilepsy, but I do suffer from migraines. I do love video games, and nothing has been able to stop me from feeling sick during certain games, Halo is actually the worst one, which is sad, because I love it.

    That being said, that's only my personal experience. I also know that when I'm very stoned, strobe lights are more tolerable, and by more tolerable, I mean - I don't throw up within thirty seconds of them starting, sometimes I don't get sick at all.
  4. I totally agree about Halo. Did you know that they guy who designed Metal Gear Solid has simulator sickness, which must suck being a game designer.
    I was hoping pot would help more because I really miss video games.
    Thank you everyone for your responses!

  5. To be honest, I didn't even know there was a name for it. :laughing:
  6. haha. this topic takes me back..

    My aunt used to get sick (motion sickness) from watching my brother and I play GoldenEye007 for N64.

    I don't suffer from any of this, but smoking should help with nausea. This makes me think that it should help you at least somewhat with motion sickness.

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