SIMPLE BUT DIFFICULT... i'm looking for an orange bubbler. thats it. gotta be thick and gotta be heavy. simply orange. theres a blower on a site named adam and he makes a sick classic bub, but not orange orange. (*oogle adam bubbler and im sure you'd find it) i like hunter's cap type of blaze orange, but honestly any orange will do. i stopped down at 2 shops today. 1 in exton pa called FROLIC. holy moly i love that place. been there twice now and those people are awesome. the chick even said "DON'T CALL ME MA'AM..." so i called her "SIR", and she said "try "dude'". i told her "i'm not a 'dude' man" and she had a laugh... i love the place. atmosphere alone is insane. but no orange bub! but lots of headies, and one they were asking over a grand for, and from the looks of it it was well worth it. beautiful dragon bub... then i looked up and the artwork on the shelf was breathtaking. i asked the price of just about every one and they ranged from 100-400... totally worth it. i almost bought one for 250... but passed. but no orange, so i thanked them and moved on. i was driving home and i decided to stop thru york pa, and thank god i did. they had some sweet lower end pieces and bubs, definitely my range $ wise, but no orange. i spoke to a beautiful hip/bohemian woman in CUSTOM BLENDS and she said they'd blow one for me. huh? you can do that? i gave them the basic specs )orange bub( and left them my number. otherwise hit me up if you know where i can find a THICK inside out orange glass bubbler. and if yer in the areas go to frolic (be respectful) off lincoln hwy in exton, pa... and if yer lookin for some sweet affordable pieces stop by custom blends (be respectful) in york, PA... i musta looked tired cause they offered me coffee. it was what i needed. awesome atmosphere in both locations. III