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Simple question for new grow!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by prisonmsagro, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. #1 prisonmsagro, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2009
    I'm fairly sure I'm overwatering these guys now that I think about it. Once every day seems to be a lot for the pot size they are in. What do you guys think? For now these 2 are under 5 23w Daylight CFL bulbs in Miracle Grow Potting Mix which worked fine before without much of a hitch. These are 13 days old today. They are both in an old gallon size paint bucket which has been very thoroughly cleaned. Each plant is a good 2 inches away from the CFL lights so I highly doubt it's burning..What do you guys think?
    The pic on the left is my big plant, notice how the corners of some of the leaves seem to be bowing in. The one on the right is my smaller plant and that's the only leaf that this is going on so far.

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  2. What type of Miracle Grow soil? If its the 3 month, then the nutes in that plus the over watering probally caused it. As fare as watering goes, once a day is to much. I water my seedlings once every couple of days and they dont mind it one bit. A good way to know when to water again is by feeling the pot when its dry then when its wet to tell the weight difference. Or just poke your finger in the soil mabey an inch, and if its slightly moist/dry then water.
  3. #3 prisonmsagro, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2009
    Hey! Appreciate the quick reply. I think you may be right about the soil. I'm not going to water this one for a few days and see how it goes. I was an idiot and sometimes watered them twice because the top soil dried up within hours and forgot the finger technique.I didn't buy it online and yes the reviews say some weird stuff. I've used it before without a problem and never seen any bugs go even near this closet. But that makes the most sense what you said. I'm going to see how they hold out the next few days and come back. I'm using [ame=] Miracle-Gro Premium Potting Mix 16 Qt #784386300: Home Improvement[/ame]
  4. Not letting me edit my last post for some reason. I just transferred my plant to a much bigger pot and the idiot I am I think I might have torn a small root, hope that won't be a problem, damn cat scared the shit out of me jumping from the top of the tv to my back! I put it in good but no matter what it tends to tilt one way because of the leaves, is that okay to let it grow out like this?
  5. Yes, it should be fine. Damage to one little root won't cause death. Since you are using MG soil, don't add any nutes for at least a month. Just use plain water, it will help wash out some of those time release nutes.
  6. Alright that sounds like a good tip. Thanks for the help, it's appreciated!
  7. Seems to be gettin' a tad worse. Do you think it'd be okay to flush this one in a tub and see how it goes from there?

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  8. miracle gro is horrible soil for MJ, for future reference. fox farm is the shit bro. throw in some worm castings and some vermiculite and perlite along with a good moss & peat filled medium and you're golden. your babes will flourish and love you long time! then go buy good organic fertilizer from ur local hydroponics store and feed them yourself. do a little research into which ferts to use and u'll be a lot happier with the end result. and when its all said and done and you harvest those beautiful glistening buds you'll feel worthy enough to smoke on em'. :D seriously though, good soil is imparitive. MJ is a sensitive lady and needs to be treated with respect and tlc. she's not just your average skanky hooker dancing the boulevard in her heels! She's like one of those classy hookers that you gotta drop like a G on just for a hand job. ok now im rambling. damn good shit im smokin on. :cool: Afghan Purp x AK-47 whoooeeeee

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