Silver Surfer Vape?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by SprayPaint, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Sup GC from a long time lurker-turned-poster,

    Planning on purchasing a vape in the near future... I'm considering the Volcano or Silver Surfer. How well does the SS work? I'm sure this has probably been asked before but hey, i'm stoned. I've read that the glass pieces are very fragile?
  2. For just a little bit more you can get the Life Saber vape which can be used direct-to-waterpipe. It is also very durable.

    [ame=]YouTube - LSV (Light Saber Vaporizor) /w 60 mm Bent Sovereingty Gridded Steamline[/ame]
  3. Keep in mind that the SS and Volcano operate under two very different principles.

    The SS uses a tube, and the Volcano uses a bag. They both get you super messed up, that's for sure.

    However, if you have the option to get a Volcano......get a Volcano.
  4. I find bags awkward, airy, and tasteless. A vrip, herborizer, or lsv will give you fat tasty rips of delicious water cooled vapor.
  5. volcanos are not worth it.

    unless your handicapped or something.

    i just got a da buddah, made by the same company as the SSV and id say get the SSV its such a durable piece they make such cool custom wands and knobs for it.

    i just got done hitting my DBV and im already hooked on it.

    best high ever.

    and worth every penny.

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