SO, I am looking to buy my first vaporizer and I like the Silver Surfers. Hoping to get some feedback on them, anyone else vape with one of these? Anyone have any experience with these and could make some recommendations etc. Thanks Money is not an issue, just want a quality product that will offer me years of satisfaction. Thus money well spent in my opinion.
Silver Surfer is definitely one of the best vapes I've smoked. My friend has one and brings it over all the time. It's great for groups especially.
I just bought one less than a month ago and I love it! Makes your weed taste soooo much better and get a better buzz with less weed. It looks great, hits nice, and easy to use. I watched a three minute video on youtube and knew exactly what to do. I start off on a pretty low heat setting after it is warmed up and work my way up as I get less vap. You can customize it too with upgraded knobs and glass if you are into that sort of thing. They also have a glass bowl that you can get to put aroma oils and scented wax to use either while vaping or just to freshen up the place. I don't have a hands-free and don't plan on getting one. I like the idea of keeping the weed away from the heat until I am ready for another hit. Keeps the waste down which is part of the point to buying (the other obviously is non-combustion). I'm saving all the leftovers and plan on making some cannabutter with my crockpot and some sticks of butter once I have saved up enough. Edibles here I come!
I very much appreciate the responses. @Poobrick - Which type of wand/heater cover did you go with? Standard, Ground Glass or spherical ground glass... Probably going to go with a GonG setup myself. Did you order from the SSV website or a retailer?
Well i got my ssv from ebay for 115 maybe a month ago. They have them for 190 on ebay directly from 7th floor? (not sure) If you can't find a used one get a dbv. if money is tight.
Its good to see a educated vaporizer buyer. SSV would be my first pick if i could pick one vaporizer to buy. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. I use a vapor brothers whip style vaporizer ($170) and its amazing.
i used to own one and i have to say that for the money it is the best vape you can buy. only thing that is bad about it is that if you turn it up to high it will burn your weed and it is the worst tasting/smelling thing ever if that happens. keep the temps down! lol and if money is not a problem get a volcanoe over a ssv. my roommate has one and its super dope.
Liking the feedback. I tried to call 7th Floor today but no answer, hoping to find out how they determine colored knobs/mouthpiece/heater cover etc is to be issued with each. If I am paying $350 for a custom Blue vein with Black base, I would like to have a Black/White/Blue glass accessory set. I don't think that is unreasonable. This question I can not ask them though...Does the warranty become void if mj is smoked through it? Also on that note, is it possible to clean them into new condition? The whip and glass accessories are all that should encounter any residue correct? Just in the event I need to send it in for service.
Dude, I own a Silver Surfer. Believe me buy this fuckin beast. I use it EVERY FUCKIN DAY. I haven't ever chosen smoking over vaping out of my SSV since I got it. The SSV pretty much change my whole outlook on MJ because the flavors were strong and tasty. Plus bowls last forever. Just fuckin get one! Yes SSVs can be cleaned spotless because the only thing weed touches is the wand, whip, mouthpiece, and sometimes the heater cover but all the parts to the SSV are replaceable and removable. Put it like this, if my house were burning down, I'd get my SSV first lol. Meet Luna [/IMG] PS. If you ever were to send it in, you are supposed to remove all glass parts (I think the reasoning for this is because the company KNOWS that people use it for weed so they "helped" us out a little) The people at 7thFloor are very nice, every email I sent was replied to very promptly. The knob you want is random, they choose the best to go with your unit though, I fuckin LOVE everything about my vape.
Just to put things in perspective, there are many who prefer the SSV over the Volcano. It's a such a personal preference kind of thing that I just don't understand why anyone would tell anyone else to get one over the other without a bit more qualification as to what it is exactly that they are looking for in a vape.
they're awesome, though i want a longer whip for mine.. saves tons of herb, tastes amazing, very unique high and awesome.. its great for a bunch of people because you can hit one pack soooo many times! i got the custom nebula version
^^ Thank you, I am looking for a whip vape exclusively. I am sure the Volcanoes are top notch but for personal use carrying a huge balloon of vape around would just be kind of goofy, I am take few tokes, relax for an hour or two then return for another couple drags. Crushing an entire vape bag is just not my thing. Anyone have the *NEW* spherical GonG heater cover and wand? At closer look it seems to have a bit more forgiveness when connecting the 2, but I wonder how the my mj will stay packed in the wand. It looks like this setup might be a bit easier for a quick connect without the chance for flea bites that standard GonG joints poses.
A prime example why a Volcano may not be for everyone. With a bag vape, you want to empty that bag within' 30 minutes or less. If you don't, the vapor will condense on the inside of the bag surface. If you're a user that only wants to take a few hits every hour or so, a whip based vape is a MUCH better option.
mine is the spherical joint, never tried the regular but its cool. only problem i have with it is with the hands free attachment, the joint like to "fall" in a sense, so that its not straight on it but the whip pulls it down. hard to explain easy to show but i dont have it here
Alrighty now, so I think I am going to go with the Rainbow Zen/Blue Base with Grateful Dead dancing skeleton | Flickr - Photo Sharing! etched above the SSV logo with spherical GonG attachments. Going to call and hope they can try and match me up with some Blue/Red Grateful Dead type of knob. I was going to go with a UK Wildcat themed Blue/White/Black but my vaporizer is not the place to advertise my favorite sports team. And I like the Rainbow Zen dircho look quite a bit. Luna was a bit of an inspiration. Thanks Shipwreck
Good information, I don't plan to use a hands-free attachment though, I would like to press the wand to the heater each time I want a toke, then remove and set to the side. Does it work well for that application?
I have the Da Buddha and its made by the same company. Top quality for sure. Really durable too, its fallen on the floor like five times.
yeah just annoying if you're trying to do something else while vaping because itll take both hands... and itll take a little longer for it to heat up