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"silver haze"

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by smok3m3up, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. alright, 30/60 for this stuff, said it was super silver haze, it's pretty fuckin good, i got pretty stoned with my high tolerance lol. what ya'll think?

    (shits kinda blurry, sorry)
  2. 3060, two posts?

    i bet
  3. what?
  4. $60 an eighth?
  5. yeah, pretty expensive but, this is pretty dank, the pic don't do much justice.
  6. The 30/60 in you OP makes it seem like you pay $30/eighth, $60/quarter, which is generally too low a price for haze. $60/eighth is more like it. Looks like a nice bud.
  7. At first I was like DAMN 30 for that, then I was like wait... Yeah man like for some nice mids right now I pay 20/40 20-8th 40-quarter, you're confusing people. xD

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