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Silver Haze/$220

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hypernia, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Made a call to get Silver Haze for $220 for a half oz. $35 for 1.7 grams (typical price in my area and I don't have the resources to go into the cities and get it for cheaper). This sound like a fair deal? And what would you estimate an oz. to be?
  2. sounds like a deal to me. and if it's 220 for a half then i would assume 440 for an ounce.
  3. in my opinion thats WAY to much...i could easily get an oz for that much...but its your money and your call...if it gets you high its all good!!!
  4. man i wish i lived in cali...thats an average price where im from, id probably buy it if i knew it was legit super silver haze
  5. Personally I would not pay that much,then again im in northern cali and its a lot cheaper here.

    But if you got the money and its really good shit then why not..
  6. Silver Haze and Super Silver Haze are two completely different strains. Silver Haze is the creation of Sensi Seeds and is a Haze/Afghan cross while the Super Silver Haze is the creation of Shantibaba (Mr. Nice seeds) and is a (Northern Lights#5/Haze) x (Skunk#1/Haze) cross.

    If you usually pay that much for a half O I say go for it, Silver Haze is great bud!:wave:
  7. #7 Anubis578, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  8. Around here they go from 180 to 200 a half ounce for bomb buds, So if thats your areas price i guess you got to live with it.
  9. i'm gonna guess you're based out of nj or ny because that's pretty standard pricing here

    not bad either if its dank actually
  10. that how much i see it go for in ATL 220-260 a half oz

  11. Seems like a lot of the people on this forum forget that second part when they post...

    "$20 a G?!?? id never pay that much I pay $5 a g for DANK" :rolleyes:
  12. I think it matches most other prices. Around here in NJ dank goes for 20-25 a gram, so it's really up to you.
  13. i just picked up some haze. its the first flame i have ever smoked. hence my name :) but it was 25 a gram here.
  14. no, 400 an O

    then theres actually a deal
  15. I wouldn't. i can get a full oz of named dank for like 300

  16. That's what I was thinking. I'm out of the suburbs of Minnesota, and shit get's spendy because we never get good shit. It's all mids and no name strains.

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