Silly included

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by sesshourmaru123, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. I'm currently in the middle of my first grow and I am about 33 days into the flowering.

    I started with 3 and 2 were male so this is my baby..I chopped down the males 3 days after they started showing their privates. I am just concerned with what look like balls starting to form on my plant. I'm not sure if they are seeds? or if possibly it's a hermy. So far there are about 4 of these structures riddled throughout the structure of the plant.

    Any help would be awesome

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  2. They looks like calyx to me. I see what you're talking about. Does it have pistils coming out of them?
  3. No sir. I've seen a few smaller structures that looked like this when the first pistils started to form...but these are much bigger.
  4. Well I know the calyx get pretty big once they mature a little more
  5. Well that makes me feel better. I will keep hoping for the best and update if they burst or start to form more balls.

    Thanks Greenbudguy
  6. No problem. Keep me posted. Just post pictures here. I'll stay subbed. I hope I'm right And I hope I helped you
  7. One of the balls finally burst revealing that it was indeed a calyx. Happy day. :)

    It's tough to see but it's on the right of the bottom node. 4 little pistils are coming out.

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  8. i would personally say that you have a she-male on your hands. if that "calyx" hadnt popped open like it looks like it has in the last pic you posted, i may have been w/ ya on it being a calyx. from what i can tell it definitely looks like a herme
  9. Oh geez. Here comes tothehead to wreck my day. :( I'm going to put all my energy into hoping you're wrong but.... I'll keep you guys updated.

    Thanks for your opinion
  10. Very hard to say but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a herm. No big deal. If it is you'll get a few seeds but many herms still produce quite good smoke.
  11. very true. ive had a few herms here and there and the smoke was still A+. didnt mean to rain on your parade by the way
  12. Oh no. You didn't wreck my day. I only posted because I was afraid it could be hermy. You prolly have much more experience than I. I'd rather know it's a hermy than be lied to for my happy moment lol.

    The plant is starting to show a little weight. I trimmed some leaves and am now waiting a little while to flush the plant. I'll update with pictures if people are interested
  13. Yeah the last picture does look hermy to me. You can pick through and if you see any more balls, pull them off. You can still have some bomb smoke if you take a little time and watch for more balls
  14. if it is a hermie and that's your only plant you can pluck off all the balls you see!! that's what i did and i came up to have some good ass weed with a few seeds!! they were little white seeds so i didn't plant them!!
  15. Well After harvest and curing....ZERO seeds. It had a fairly low yield; only 7.6 grams but it smokes well.

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