Significance of dreams

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by mushroomsatsuji, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. Do you think dreams have meaning? Maybe what you are really feeling, or maybe you dream about the future?

    Ive been having certain dreams that I know must mean something, but I just dont know what. Its re-occurring dreams so it must mean something. The problem is my dreams are like acid/pcp trips, but the have certain similar elements.

    Im hoping someone has had a similar dream. Its of no one I know, but I know this girl is my 'soul-mate' i guess. Its like I have this overwhelming feeling of love for this girl that I never have felt for anyone. In each dream, shes in trouble somehow. Sometimes I see her face and it is very vivid. I still remember her eyes from last night, but others its like I dont see a face.

    Normally I forget my dreams within the day, but I always remember these...
  2. #2 Tokenlightened, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
    Personally, my dreams tell me what I already know. I mostly dream about things that I am tied with emotionally. Yes, I do think dreams are significant in that they tell us our desires and give us experience of being in the presence of our desires. Dreams can be the catalyst that get us going to strive for our desires. If you're confused with reality, the dream world may be a guide for you. These are just my personal thoughts.
  3. #3 echoe09, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
    Yes, i think dreams are sometimes the brains ways to solve problems it couldnt while conscious.

    Sometimes i have reoccurring dreams that have a meaning.

    One of them is pretty scary and happens before a family member or close person dies in my family. (No im not insane)

    To summarize the dream.. Im on the side of a hill, its always very windy. I walk this little path for a bit and then i come to what looks like a small culdesac and this all takes place in some dry/dessert environment.

    When i get to the culdesac im surrounded by a fog and the wind comes to a halt, i see shadows of people around the culdesac (all of them unfamiliar).. If theres someone in the center of the fog he/she is the person that is going to die and they are pretty distinguishable.

    Happened with two of my uncles (heart attack in sleep and one with brain problem) and my grandma. I didnt tell my mom i had that dream about my grandma.

    That dream is so vivid i could draw it out.

    Dreams could mean a lot of things, i dont obsess over them at all but i do take them into consideration when they are vivid/reoccurring or have a clear message
  4. Yeah I think dreams can mean alot of things. They can tell you alot too sometimes. I have dreams where I fall in love alot and the feeling is crazy and feels like the most right thing ever. But I always wake up from those almost depressed like, because I still feel in love and think about the dream for days.
  5. You could see it as a premonition. Or it can be seen as you, fearing for her safety knowing the conditions of the world, and your fearing that she might not be ready for the extreme.
    Or it can be seen as a fear you subconsciously have about her. Maybe you were searching for something wrong about her, and you couldn't really find anything, but you held it in your mind that there must be something.

    If the last one is true, you shouldn't doubt, if your love for her is real, stay strong, and let her know you'll always be there for her.

    But I don't know, in order to understand your dreams you either have to give a lot of details, or retain the tools to figure them out yourself.

    Just remember, dreams usually operate in symbols, and there is a reason for everything. Get a notebook, or just type it on your pc, and write all the symbols of your dreams(like her in trouble, knowing that you love her very much) and search out the reason for them, keep an open mind, and you might unravel it at the end.
  6. I like this. Now if I only knew who 'her' was...

    Ive had dreams like this before about a friend but that was long ago. If it was her Im pretty sure I would know
  7. Maybe they can tell you a lot of things but sometimes I question any significance dreams may have when I have bizzare and disturbing dreams.

    But if pleasant dreams have 'significance' to them then the disturbing and frightening dreams must also, right??

    Can anyone shed some light on that?
  8. So it could mean, that you want your dream girl very bad, but you know the price would be that it could bring trouble, or that you would get yourself into some shit. So it's ultimately your decision. You might not ever see your dream girl, but it is whether or not you still hope for it. It is a choice. So you can hope for your dream girl, and maybe find a girl like her, because whatever you call for and search intensely for, you would ultimately find, but it might bring trouble. Or you can give up the hope, and become a nun, and live your life knowing you would have less trouble on your hands. Your choice.

    And the reason why you probably had dreams like that before, is because of how your essence is, and how you feel about having a good girl with you.

    (Your essence is made up of the things you have experienced, and how the layout of your soul is. Your soul is built by all the laws your subjected to and how much freedom/spirit you have.)

  9. Just out of curiosity, did your uncle die in his sleep?

  10. Yea, even nightmares have some significance. Dreams are dreams, and no matter what, they are built up by something, especially by things you have experienced. If you have experienced frightening movies, and you let them get to you and you relate it, somehow, to life, then you might have nightmares. Or if you have read theories about how the world may drastically change, in any direction, it might give you nightmares if you related to your life. Some things you think about stay in your subconscious, almost like your saving a document. And dreams, I think, are made from your subconscious. So things you have saved to your subconscious may be later revealed in your dreams, and your dreams can be deciphered by the symbols presented in it, and by your feeling of it, and what you might think the reason of it might be.

  11. Yes he did.

    I hate having that dream
  12. I believe dreams teach us how to use rationality. If the dreamer comes to realize he is dreaming, he can use this to his advantage.
  13. i definitely think dreams have significance. your brain produced those visions instead of another vision, for some reason or another.....

    I have lots of dreams about natural disasters, like giant floods with huge waves towering up into the sky. I frequently dream that the wave is coming, we're all going to die, and people are freaking's horrifying because it is always so vivid. In these dreams, the people I am counting on to survive often leave me to die, or try to hurt me somehow.

    I think my dreams stem from my issues and fears about being hurt by people....i had an incident about 4 years ago where somebody hurt me physically very badly and trapped me in his house for two days....i went to therapy but i am still afraid of some situations, and it's hard for me to trust people.

    Maybe there is some weird purpose for your strange dreams? Maybe one day you'll run into this girl somewhere and instantly recognize her :)
  14. dreams are how your brain processes the day youve had.if youre dreaming about a girl youre in love with,there must be some girl around that you have feelings for but you either dont know it,or dont want to admit it to yourself.the subconscious is a powerful tool my friend,listen to it,as it doesnt speek often.
  15. I had a dream I was telling someone about a lucid dream I experienced. So bizarre.
  16. Dreams are almost like a trip in time for me.

    I might kill somebody and go to prison. As soon as i say "this can't be happening" it ends and i wake.

    Then i'm like OH YEAH
  17. I have weird adventures and things happen in my dreams. They usually start off normal, and every once in a while, dream logic slips something in that cant happen for real, and I just cant seem to catch it. Like today, I dreamt I was at school, paying for lunch, and there are extras to put on your tray, one was packs of cigurettes, so I slid one into my pocket. Schools dont sell cigurettes, how did I not catch that o_O
  18. It's interesting how we can readily accept things for how they are in our dreams just as easy as we accept things in our waking reality, no?
  19. #19 hurb1, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    Our bodies are vehicles. Every night when you go to sleep its a transition period or a rebirth where another energy or soul or whatever takes over your bodiy and becomes the driver. The next day is a new day. Your still you but nottttttt quite. You cant detect this because there is really no way to detect it , well for sure... Since our concsiousness is nothing more than our past experiences they remain intact even though there is a different driver. You feel like the same person from day to day....Every day its a different driver, same old bus. WHy do we have to sleep everynight? You know why now.This is what allows us to change so much over time. IF we had the same driver, well i just dont know how life would be like then...Oh yea and to truely answer your question dreams are the downloading of data from one "soul/energy" to the next. Thas why many a time when you sense dreams they are very random because thats how data travels. I forgot to mention that our brains are computers. Now does that help to make sense.
  20. #20 Reflection Eternal, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2010
    Dreams have significance, but the extent to which they're meaningful is arguable. The most prominent theories about how the imagery is formed that constitutes our dreams is that it is essentially a random configuration of ideas and thoughts in our subconscious. There is convincing evidence because of the areas of our brain that area active and inactive during the process, but I'll have to wait until later when I can dredge up the source and properly explain that reasoning.

    One thing that has been proven is that your subconscious may communicate to you an answer that you are not readily aware of. A test happened where a speaker gave an audience a riddle, and though a man couldn't come up with it in waking life, he went home and had a dream during which the answer came to him. He approached the speaker afterward to find out the answer was correct.

    I've had a few dreams that turned out precognitive. Looking back, it's easy for me to derive a logical explanation as opposed to entertaining the notion that we're all gifted with the ability to foresee the future through REM. As fun as that thought is...

    For example, I dreamt once that my friend was calling me and telling me he was out of jail, to come pick him up so we could chill. Well, he'd been in jail for about 4 months, and that day only a few hours after I woke up I really did receive that phone call from him. It blew my mind to have it happen within hours of me waking up and I told him about it. The logical explanation is that in the past he told me what day he was getting out, and though I had forgotten it, my subconscious had held onto it and given me a subtle reminder the day of.

    I'm an imaginative and hopeful person, but I'll sooner believe in realistic explanations than the whimsical.

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