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Sign the petition, make your voice sent by your reps.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by tonymon1, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Criminal Justice - Legalize Marijuana

    After you sign it they say they send your letter to everyone from yours reps to Obama himself.

    The petition is looking for 100,000 so far it has nearly 10,000.

    Bottom line is, it can't hurt! Keep the pressure on them.
  2. Hopefully Obama isn't going to just laugh at this one too. :(

  3. I'm sorry but obama isnt the one ignoring shit. he is a puppet at the hands of the same puppetmasters that told bush what to do.

    Federal legalization will not happen.
    maybe on a state level, like what cali is pushing for but never will the govt who classes weed with heroin legalize it.
  4. Signed both.

  5. There was a video, he laughed, and basically said "no"

  6. Yeah man, but you have to understand, that is the only kind of answer he CAN give. I do not think he agrees with the drug war, much less the pot war. But the man is running the country, most of which is inhabited by people that are willing to swallow whatever the government and media say. He can't just say, "Yeah we are currently looking for a way to legalize." Most of the rich people that make a living off of keeping weed illegal will throw a shit fit and pull the funds they provide our government to keep it illegal.

    Can you imagine the pain a lot of these -side effects may cause naseua, irritability, higher risk of stroke type- medicine producers will feel when people find out that marijuana can help them cope with certain diseases in a far more efficient and, yes, more enjoyable fashion than getting pumped full of harmful chemicals?

    What about the tobacco companies? Something you can smoke that is far less harmful? Which also means fewer patients for said drug companies.

    I really do believe it will be legal at some point, but it will be the politically correct way. Sadly, this means that once our country is in a last economic legs and enough pharmaceutical companies say, "We will push this stuff now." Until then, marijuana may be decriminalized, but will never shake it's stigma until the people in charge of running this country say it is ok.
  7. Just wanted to let you guys know that From signing the petition (which sends an email to your reps) I got a response from one of my state senate reps, he said he does not support legalization but took the time to talk about it for a minute. He basically said it is a federal issue and provided me info to contact my federal senator. I sent him another email explaining states rights and how I understand the state is fearful of challenging the feds, ect.

    He mentioned marijuana is a schedule I drug (which my letter didn't mention) so I provided information showing him it was supposed to be placed there temporarily until the schaffer report was finished then reassigned based on that recommendation which it wasn't, that it doesn't belong in schedule I because of all that states that have acceptable medical use, that the federal government has a patent on cannabinols as medicine, proving accepted use.

    I also gave him some other cold hard facts I'll list those.

    I thanked him for his time, asked him to consider allowing the citizens to vote on decrim, explained that decrim is not perfect but it is a compromise that doesn't solve the problems but at least doesn't ruin the lives of occasional users, pointed out some other near by areas that have decrim laws and wondered aloud why that areas are doing just fine and aren't the war zones the DEA would have us believe they would turn into.

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