sickest purple strain

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by seedling, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. hello fellow gardeners. Im a rather newbie being i have only a couple grows under my belt with results varying from decent to fucking great. However im thinking of growing a purple strain and want some insight as to witch strains really rock i.e(always turn purple
  2. Almost every strain that a breeder says will turn purple, will especially if during the dark cycle you can get your temps below 70. I've been able to turn strains a hint of purple just by getting my temps to about 65 durign the last 3 weeks of flowering, even on strains that wouldn't normally turn purple.

    Easiest way to figure this out is to go to your favorite breeder, and look up their purple strains, and figure out which you could grow easily. Couple that with the information here, and you should have yourself a purple strain.

    Also, I'm guessing you want this purple strain to sell to your friends, because there is no real reason to have it, as it's not really any more dank than anything else you can grow. You grow/sell purple weed because of the bag appeal, and to say "I have some purple weed!" :).
  3. thanks a million do work. the info was reasuring as ive done some research and got basically the same answer. Bag appeal is always a plus, but im just fasinated with the purple strains. being a regular customer myself i was always blown away with the real purple shit ive come across. true its no dankier than any other good smoke but some of the purps have a smell and look thats completley GRAPE and thats what i wanna achieve. Thanks a bunch
  4. Their are so many "purple" strains out their its hard to pick one. If yo are looking for something that isnt just purple in color though and also a real treat on the nose and taste buds i would suggest checking out Granddaddy Purp and also a strain called Purps, i cant think of the breeder off the top of my head for for either of the strains but ive personaly tryed both and for a guy who isnt really impressed by just a purple color i was pretty impressed.
  5. if you want a good yielding purple strains and something that will turn purple try out taste and smell like grape candy.
  6. try purple kush, grand daddy purp, purple jack herer, fucking incredible. those are really good strains and they taste good.
  7. This tastes like fanta grape soda and smells like dark chocolate/berry.

    Frag Out!

    Own mix Purple haze x blueberry kush

    Attached Files:

  8. Isn't GDP a clone only strain? :confused:
    Just because the buds are purple doesn't mean it will be any better then if it was green. I'd go more for a purple tastebecause it's in my opinion the best taste a weed can have.
    Purple kush has been mentioned and I agree.

  9. I'll never understand the facination with purple weed but I will have to say, purple kush is one of my personal favorites but not because of the color. Back in the summer, there was a lot of purple weed going around Atlanta that was shit. Purple kush is very potent, has an awesome taste and smell and decent yielded. It is grown locally by several growers and is always available.
  10. yea purple kush is too.
  11. DNA offers a wonderful purple urkle (one of the original purple strains out of Cali that has just about disappeared) and train wreck cross...I think its called "Purple Wreck" good indoor grower with a fragerance you will love. Its available in their fancy line....whatever that thing is called "Privada Reserva"
  12. if you can get your hands on a purple urkle strain..
  13. anybody grow DJ Shorts Blueberry? currently im growing lowlife low rider crossed with DJ Shorts blueberry
  14. ive also been thinking about trying out a purp strain in my next grow.i was looking at querkle..looks awsome
  15. i've had blueberry once and it wasn't purple at all

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