Sickest bong I've ever seen :video inside:

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by ToolMan1026, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. salt and illadelph colab... Look at the work on this piece it's ridiculous. That monster in the middle is the coil condenser by the way. I'd give a finger or testicle for this piece

    [ame=]YouTube - Salt Illadelph Collab Coil Condensers[/ame]
  2. Ohhh yes I love collabs. :smoke:
  3. Very cool. Only thing I don't like is the bullseye's all over it, could of gone with something a bit more ornate for a sandblast.

    I bet it looks like a beast when it's milked up, literally.
  4. Haha I thought the same thing about the bullseye's all over it. Just looks dumb, I'd rather just leave it blank the glass by itself is gorgeous. and imagine seeing the eyes and the monster through the smoke lol when your baked out of your mind
  5. Yeah that'd be sweet, the monster is all hidden in the smoke until you clear it and then it comes out of the fog. O.O
  6. I'd be sooo afraid it drop it though. It's probably 1500 at least, that glass better be thick as hell

  7. price tag in the video was $5700
  8. did a say 1500? I meant at least 5100
  9. just bust a move:cool:
  10. More like I'd bust a nut if someone let me smoke out of it.
  11. if a friend i didnt like had this bong i bust a nut alll up in the bong muhehehehe:devious:
  12. How would he be your friend if you don't like him? mind fuck
  13. ok like an acquaintance
  14. sick peice. Im fond of the one illadelph and snic collab. I cant find any pics at the moment. Ill have to look around a lil more tonight to post them.
  15. :eek: I need a red SALT piece. Now...

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