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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cbadplayer, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Ive got some pretty bad chest congestion so i was just wondering it would be okay to eat a weed-lollipop since smoking is out of the question till i get better
  2. that sounds so damn good
  3. I would certainly say so..try it. I'm sure any kind of edible would be try smoking? Usually when I'm feeling stuffy and shit, I smoke and it helps clear my body out.
  4. Only if you eat it with your Anus
  5. nah i havent smoked since i've gotten sick been bed-ridden for a couple of days ut my friend hooked me up with a lolli so gonna try that shit out tomorrow
  6. Oh yeah I'd totally be eating that shit lol. But if you can get your hands on some herbage you should see how it makes you feel also.
  7. Pot is a natural bronchodilator and expectorant, it's very healthy on the lungs. Try vaping if at all possible, take small hits. I smoke even through congestion and feel better.:D

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