Sick Sensi

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by RastamonChant, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. alright got a White Widow x Big Bud femi in an 8 gallon bucket. Soil, perlite, peat moss and no added nutes. The main stem of the plant has already broken off, stem was hard and brown and snapped easily. Desperately seeking help or advice please and thank you.

    One Love

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  2. I would assume that should be taken care of like the worlds biggest clone/cutting.
  3. so.... any other helpful advice a fellow greensman can give?
  4. Splint it and hope. Good Luck!
  5. on 3rd week of flowering

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  6. Tough little bitches aren't they? lol Congrats and continued good luck!

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