carmelicious seedling pictures and info:
Seedlings look healthy to me - maybe try giving more information and NOT posting a single picture of healthy seedlings... duh... hahah
no, im not on another forum. but, here is the correct link to the thred with the sick seedlings. you can gather more information there. in my opinion the seedlings are suffering from many nutrient deficiencies. they are now on the same nutrient regiment with different water. i went from using tap water to polad spring (ph 6.4) it helped the stems turn more green and the leaves recuperate. not entirly though. i believe that the light deficiency that caused them to stretch had something to do with the red and mushy stems. the fact that they have been seedlings for over a week now is probably delaying the rooting process also.
Yep stretching like crazy towards the light. Drop that tube on their heads......well allmost. Try 1 or .5 inch distance and see what happens.