Sick of parents

Discussion in 'General' started by finn slice, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. I appoligize in advance this is a rant
    Anyone else feel just feel fed up with their parents. I know people are going to say respect them they feed you and brought you into the world and honestly Im grateful for that truely but both of them I believe have failed their jobs as parents. Ill start with my mom. Shes not very lets say confrontational actually shes the opposite. Shes too afraid to say anything to me about sex school weed alcohol or even going out in general and shes been like this forever and made me unconfortable talking to her about anything serious in my life. She just blows it off and puts it on my father whos a bipolar hypocrital douche bag. Hes not abusive but he acts like tough guy and says stuff like "anytime you think your ready well go out in the backyard" and "one of these days" and holds up his fists in a 100% serious way. I dont think I stand a chance maybe if he was drunk and it just so happens he drinks daily but I dont want to fight my father anyway I want to be peaceful. Sometimes hes cool and lets me do pretty much what I wanted within reason but 1 week out of month he is an asshole. He would always freak out about my grades when I got pretty good ones my grades were usually around 85 but when he looked at them hed ground me for a week if he was in a bad mood and be like why wasnt it a 90 I think he liked punishing me for no reason he wanted me to "respect" (fear) him. One time I got a 76 in chemistry (just so happens to be a class that he straight up failed in high school with a final average of about 48) which isnt that good but the damn class is hard and he grounded me wouldnt let me snowboard which is a healthy outlet I just dont have a car so I either carpool or take his truck and I pay for gas lift ticket and and food included with money I earned from working. I know he wants the best for me but for some reason he thinks I dont try which I actually do. Im not crazy about school but I got good enough grade to get into college and I tried 10 times harder than he thought I did. Hes a control freak and if Im not exactly like him (except finacially cause I have to do better even though he owns two buisnesses) hes dissapointed and I just want to live my own life. On top of everything they argue and yell at each other constantly and have a complete falling out about 2-3 times a year where they yell at each other and teling the other one to leave their house and pack their shit up. I cant wait to move out and not contact them for a long time if ever. I know thats not healthy but I blame 90% of the things mentally wrong with me on them. I just wana be my own person and live a happy life. Is that too much to ask.
    If you made it this far I commend you but does anyone else feel like this.
  2. Like you said, get good grades and move out. You will be able to see things in a different perspective then and should possibly call them at least once a week, just to see what's up from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  3. Beat that bish niggas ass. Get in that BJJ gym, learn a solid takedown and submission. Make him tap out. It's mkre of a thorough defeat when they themselves 'give up'.- what's good, nyugga? what's REALLY good?!
  4. #4 Bill O'Really, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    Yeah. I did when I was fifteen. But I got punched in the face, loaded gun to my head, kicked in the ribs, hair pulled, head slammed into the wall, spit on and thrown out of the house on the coldest nights of the year. Why? Because my mother divorced him when I was three.
     And mom? Man after man coming through telling me what to do and how to act. And shed just acted like a self absorbed cunt and let me do as I pleased because she was too weak to do anything, plus she really only cared about herself. Why did she hate me? Because my dad grew weary of her shit.
     So I got to grow up watching two step brothers get my life, and my pops comes from a wealthy family. I got to watch my kiss ass sisters do as they pleased and also get whatever they wanted from both parents. But I grew up on the shit list because I didn't play the favorites game.
     My suggestion to you is to have a heart to heart with your pops. A real heart to heart. Not some weird television glee club fucking melodrama but a conversation about the things you said here. The reason he over reacts is because your mom under reacts.
     And on some level he thinks you are fucking up because I'll bet money he did. And you may not think you are fucking up... but you are on this Cannabis forum...asking this kind of shit to strangers. And how old are you? Don't make it weird on pops. Go sit down with him and you might make a friend.
    BTW: I'm 38 and have a 15 year old daughter. She didn't think she was fucking up either. but another girl in her school killed herself because of a bitch that my daughter was friends with...and in some way she was a part of that. And she tried to pretend that she was friends the poor kid after the fact. So sorry fuck up. So do adults. But we have enough life experience to know when we are fucking up....just sometimes we need some one to bring that to our attention. You can do that for your pops. Obviously he is stressed over you...but you need to be the one to come to him.
  5. Your putting up a good arguement. I do fuck up every now and again so does my dad but I just want him to stop telling me what to do. I make mistakes and will continue to do so until the day I die. But seriously the only way to learn something is the hard way. Live and learn. Im not exactly sure where Im going in life but its better than the direction my dads trying to push me in. I just wana be myself but its something hes denied me since birth and Im itching to get away.
    And im sorry to hear your story thats truely terrible
  6. [quote name="finn slice" post="19437743" timestamp="1391124706"]Your putting up a good arguement. I do fuck up every now and again so does my dad but I just want him to stop telling me what to do. I make mistakes and will continue to do so until the day I die. But seriously the only way to learn something is the hard way. Live and learn. Im not exactly sure where Im going in life but its better than the direction my dads trying to push me in. I just wana be myself but its something hes denied me since birth and Im itching to get away.And im sorry to hear your story thats truely terrible[/quote]Im telling you. Best your dad in a grapple bout. He will have to respect'you.- what's good, nyugga? what's REALLY good?!
     Maybe he doesn't know how bad he is. My dad never did. He thought in some way he was just showing me that he could be as tough as I acted. But the truth is...we as parents know you are going to make mistakes.  We expect it, but we want you to make YOUR mistakes, not other peoples. Damn sure not ours...... And what direction is he pushing you in that is so bad? A good education. Decent friends........? It's easy for me to relate to you, because I have been there. It is not easy for you to relate to us....because you haven't. When you have a'll be a Nazi. And you'll be on GC telling some other kid to just break down and talk to their parents...... I guarantee it! Hell, you might be my kid....Is your name Jenn? LOL BUT...we need you to come to us. It frustrates us when you don't, and you shut down if we come to you.
     Parents don't fuck you up kiddo. Life does. And that is what you are wanting to jump into. That prick dad just wants you to wait to get fucked up...he probably never waited either. It's just nature. But if he isn't a physically abusive alcoholic, then go reason with him. You might be glad you did.
  8. #8 I Am Neo, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    Lizzie Borden took an axe
    And gave her mother forty whacks.
    When she saw what she had done,
    She gave her father forty-one.
  9. When I was a kid/teen, yeah. Since I've moved out, work two jobs (one office job for basic bill money and the other to save) and learned to do what needs to be done? Nope. No offense man, stop blaming everyone else. They want the best for you and if you're looking at getting the off your back go into the world, kick ass and make yourself into someone. That's the biggest fuck off you can give someone that thinks you're not living up to their expectations. Sent from my SGH-T889 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. Can't be your own person until you stop blaming people for your own feelings.  Work harder, save more, move the F out
  11. So you want your mom to talk to you about sex... :ey:
  12. No but I thought that was a thing that parents do they sit ya down teach you the birds n bees. What happen to those days.
  13. You must be fun at parties.
    What happened to those days? Probably the same thing that happened to people respecting each other, or being able to leave your home unlocked when you go to the store, or people not expecting to have everyone around them cater to their childish whims, or...  
    Totally bro, everyone brings their lame problems to me at parties and I dr. phil their asses.  everyone enjoys it
    Ummm, kids started not wanting to hang out with their old ass folks because they wanted them to die so they could be free to do their own thing? I forgot...what was this thread about OP? Yeah bro.....................catch 22 ain't it?
  17. You just need to move out then and actually be independent.

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