so im a senior in hs this year so i get out early from school. my dad works till the evening, my mom works at a school and my bro goes to school so they dont get home till like 3 hours after i get out. so everyday pretty much i can have friends over and we can toke. shit is so chill
i feel that man, my senior year i had a separate guest house quite a way from the real house. When my parents went to bed i could throw parties and have fat seshes in there so many blunts...
siiiick man. ya its chill bein able to toke after school givesy a somethin to look forward to after your day lol
reminds me of the time me friend told me he could inhale through his butthole. i didnt believe him so he bent over and his ass went "Whup!" and it was like a vacuum .
hahaha you said reminds me of the time me friend told me he could inhale through his butthole. i didnt believe him so he bent over and his ass went "Whup!" and it was like a vacuum .
reminds me of the end of my senior year. one of my buds lived about a block away from my HS so during lunch and after school i'd go over and blaze. it was a bummer though cause i only started doing this a few weeks before gradutation