Siblings get long sentences for marijuana

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by xdog, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. And that, my friends, is why you don't grow in a non medical / legal state.
  2. Exactly. 15 years for 12 plants. Another perfect example of how bible belt tough love states  fuck their people. I moved from Arkansas, another fucked up tough love state that believes it is better for them to fuck up your life over a plant than have you make the mistake of becomming involved in "dangerous drugs"
  3. Missouri sucks...glad I left that shit stain state.
    Will pay taxes and do business with mj/mmj states from now on.
  4. Maybe not, but 37 years of taxpayer-funded incarceration for 12 plants and 8 seedlings I might suggest is a curious financial undertaking when most states and municipalities don't seem to be awash in cash, exactly. That is insane. And the LAW that makes a plant ridiculously over-valued is the true impetus for people like these siblings to roll the dice and try it. Sounds like they were up to no good. But don't punish everyone else for it with paying for their incarceration. Insane! It has to stop!
  5. I really don't get how half of America has accepted the herb and how half is total against it and will put you in jail for it.

    In the uk the government are right against the herb (cunts) but you won't go to jail for growing unless its on a industrial scale. I guess are legal system see throwing someone in jail for growing a plant from nature is silly as fuck.

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