Shroomy Question

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Revolution, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. I'm doing shrooms for the first time this weekend! Huzzah! Now if I suddenly had to go home during my trip, what is a good way I could end or weaken the effects of it?
  2. Not much really, once you start tripping hard, you kind of just need to ride it out. Edibles last a while. Fun stuff though. :D
  3. Honestly, if it was my first time doing shrooms, just the idea of having to possibly go home would have freaked me out so bad.

    You need to be able to relax and enjoy it. The first time I did it, after about 4 hours the effects started to go away, but I felt VERY aware of everything that was going on, and couldn't sleep for another four hours.

    I agree that you need to ride it out. I think you'll be amazed with the effects and you probably won't be tripping like you are imagining. It's amazing and I hope you enjoy your trip.
  4. #4 MandalaSmoker, Oct 3, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2008
    There is a pill that stops Lsd trips.I forgot what it's called though.I will look it up.I dont know about mushrooms though.

    Opiates always made the trip alot less stronger.

    At least in theory a serotonin antagonist would work well to abort trips.Thorazine is the one for Lsd I tihnk.
  5. i think valium might bring u down from your trip. picken up some shrooms tomorrow BROTHER!!!
  6. Do them at a time when you have nothing to worry about. Don't place yourself in a situation where you may have to be around authority figures or have plans. Find a day when you are free and have no plans. This way you won't have worry because worrying breeds anxiety and anxiety will increase the likelihood of a bad trip.

    Stay safe, happy trails

    EDIT:: I'm pretty sure any benzo (xanax, klonopin, etc.) will end a trip
  7. you could try an antipsychotic or some type of benzo
  8. If there's a chance you'll have to go home, you should probably wait. That way you'll get to experience it fully. Or just don't go home :)

    I think Valium would work, I have Ativans myself. I've never taken them during a trip, but after one I will take one to calm everything down and help me sleep.

  9. just remember STAY CALM! i've had people tell me before they didn't even know i was tripping even though i felt like i was a billion light years away from reality, so it is possible.

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