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Shrooms question

Discussion in 'General' started by blackeyes, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. I never tried or even seen one before.
    I live in SoCal.
    How much does it go for and if I did buy one how would I know if it's good or not?
    my cannabis dealer said he has some, but I forgot to ask for the price.

    THanks in advance everyone :rolleyes:
  2. You should get shrooms for about the same price as weed in your are (at least that is how it is here... About $40 for an eighth, $200 for an O of dried.
  3. $10 for first gram.
    $5 for every gram after.

    Shrooms should NOT cost as much as weed.
    Or there's a problem.
    They grow in very large quantities.
  4. dealer has his stuff for #30/G
    is that expensive?

    what should I look for when buying it?
    couple of my friends told me that $30/G is too high.
    but he's the only one I know that has them

    what to do?
  5. $30 a gram is farr too much. I would talk to a couple otehr trustworthy dealers and see what their prices are.

    Failing that, acid is a lot cheaper and is a similar hallucinogen.

    Also if you get shrooms, make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. Maybe read some trip reports on ...
  6. Holy sweet mother of fucking christ!
    $30 a gram?
    For shrooms?
    No, do not take that deal, that's not even ethical.
    Your dealer is trying to rob you apparently.

    It takes at least 2+ Grams of shrooms to get high.
    The ideal amount would be an 8th.

    But honestly, you'd be paying like $70 for one trip.
    That's like Canadian Cocaine prices.

    Find someone else.
    You should be paying $5 a gram.
  7. serious? damn...

    maybe i should just stick with cannabis.

    thanks, i guess im gonna have to find another dealer
  8. If thats what he charges for shrooms, what does a gram of weed cost you?
  9. no shit
  10. he charges $20/G, $60/8th
    I used to get my cannabis from him too, but after I got my card I stopped going.
    Now i get my Cannabis for about $40/8th

    his weed isn't that great either.
    a lot of my friends advised me that he was hustling me.
  11. i get an 1/8 for 15-20 bucks
  12. wow nice price
  13. Wow that dude was straight up robbin you blind! Sounds like you were paying 60 a dub for schwag lol, i pay 20 in WI for that, and 25 gets me a dub of shrooms.

    Good luck

  14. yea, i realize that i was being robbed.
    not anymore though
  15. Good to know that you're not letting that asshole fuck you around anymore.

    I hate the guys who are in it JUST for the cash. It should also be about helping a fellow stoner out..
  16. yup, i only picked up from him like twice.
    he's a cool guy though, my friend introduced me to him.
    whatever, i got a card now so i get better deals.
  17. 30$ an 8th is the norm... although shrooms are a supply and demand thing.. they are often very hard to get, atleast in my area.. and i have charged "suckas" up to 50$ an 8th.

    i might post a picture later of what dried mushies look like to give you a better idea.

    it truly is a great experience.. id try and talk him into giving u 2g for 20-25 max and just trip off that

    Have fun!
  18. they're usually like 100-120 and o
  19. so i mean he is the only person i know that i can get it from.
    how should i start the whole price issue?

    "hey i wanted to get some shrooms...what's the price on it?"


    "that sounds a bit too much though...isn't it usually an 8th for $30?"

    idk, any advice?
  20. Idk, depends how badly you want to trip.. you could always bluff, but if he calls ur bluff u might be fucked.

    just be like "well shit, i usually get them for 30 an 8th"....and see what he says.. then just ask if you could maybe get 2g for 20-25 and see what he says.. drug dealers will rape you if they know you know nothing about what you are buying.

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