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Shrooms or acid

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by username001, Sep 28, 2007.

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  1. First, you can\'t OD on 8 hits, the toxicity point of LSD is something like 10,000 - 15,000 times the average hit amount, so you would need to take 10 - 15 thousand hits, give or take depending on body weight. That is why LSD and shrooms are two very safe drugs, its almost impossible to hit that OD level, like marijuana.

    And Pfft, practice makes perfect, bad trips are just something that happens sometimes and you have to learn to keep control.

    I have RC\'s like 2C-E that makes LSD look like a child\'s toy.

    Also if you can\'t acquire from a respectable source, then don\'t purchase it. If you are purchasing from a stranger (in reference to your woodstock comment) then you are a taking the risk of consuming a bad batch.

  2. 2C-E makes acid look like a childs toy......I get some good acid...damn that sounds intense the way you put it.
    I want to try some:D
  3. Ya i would say dont do the acid one wrong thing and it can become a hell ride ive never done shrooms (yet) but ya LSD is WAY to powerful for a first timer at a concert
  4. To quote Erowid


    Don\'t talk out your ass. I swear to god I\'m neg repping the next person who brings up those stupid LSD myths.

  5. I like acids

    but those tests where done in the 70\'s
    There is a risk of getting pyscadelic meth...(have no idea what its called)
    and people could try to pass it off as blotter acid. but if you get good hits you will know.
  6. That is true, but there are ways to tell, and it\'s a lot rarer now. You\'re thinking of DOx compounds, DOM (aka STP), DOB, DOC, etc. Weird 24-hour psychedelic amphetamines with nasty side-effects active in like 2mg doses. However usually they\'ll either be laid on unusually thick/large hits or you\'ll be informed \"they\'re weak eat 5\"), and will have an extremely bitter taste. Not the mild metallic taste of acid, but a really yucky taste that\'ll make you gag. It takes 2 hours to kick in and lasts far longer than lsd, another sign.

    The Dox stuff is getting rarer though since they\'ve been banned and you can\'t just order them online anymore, and LSD is easier to make (besides the ET all the chemicals are easily accessible and it\'s a 3 step process, very simple next to MDMA where nearly all the reactants are heavily watched and it requires 5-8 steps).
  7. Why would it be any different now?

    It\'s just a stupid propoganda myth. Just like people saying weed causes psychosis.
  8. I wanna try Lucy first but its just a matter of finding it...I was --(that close to getting 10 hits)
  9. I thought the chemicals to make acid were under heavy watch too.
  10. sence its your first time id do it with friends in an comfortable enviroment becasue you can have a bad trip on both. i did acid and its fun you see stuff moveing. i took 3 sugar cubes and it started to kick in after i was doubting it would work. its tasteless and no smell. i started to have a bad trip because i walked about 30 blocks to my friends house with him to pick up more weed and we where passing threw neighborhoods i dont go to because i got beef with some people their. and than we started walking back and i was getting thirsty and i couldnet stop thinking about how thirsty i was and my mouth got dry. than we walked by tese apartments and some mexicans said something in spanish to us as we where walking by than said yeah u better keep walking white boys. than we got home i drank some water and was fine stopped triping bad and was haveing a good time. than some guy that came over was saying you need to be carefull you can loose your mind on acid and his uncle is in an insane aslyum and he has to take shots to stop tripping or something. but he was talking about peyote not acid. and that sent me into a bad trip. it had abad trip forabout an hour than i started kicking i with all my friends that where trippin too adn it brought me out of my bad trip and i was fun. when you start to come back to reality you giggle alot we where out side giggling at everything for about 3 hours at 5 in the morning. sorry about telling my story i just got carried away. but have fun trippin bro
    [SIZE=\"3\"]I Highley doubt the toxicity of acid has to do with you haveing a bad trip. YOU make YOU have a bad trip, or someone might help you have a bad trip with neg emotions bit acid wont make you do anything but trip[/SIZE]
  11. Nope, if you read Shulgin\'s synthesis in TiHKAL I looked all the chems up, besides Diethylamine and Ergotamine Tartrate all of the chemicals are very easy to get. Even Diethylamine is very easy to make (seriously basic otc chemicals), the ET is the only hard thing. And trust me you can culture ET (you can actually go from some other ergot compounds too produced by other strains, I think Ergoline and Ergine are two but I\'m not positive), you just need one of the rare strains of Ergot that produce ergot-amides in large quantities. Most countries have \"culture databases\" run by microbiology departments, not to mention universities, where you can order one of these cultures, no questions asked, as it can be very useful to your average master\'s student or scientist doing research. Maybe 5 gallon-jugs of an easy to make culture medium (it\'s about as hard as growing shrooms from liquid culture, just slightly different in terms of how the LC is made up) would be enough to supply most of the LSD in your entire state, if not more. 5 Gallons = about 18 grams of Ergotamine Tartrate based on the culture I can get from Germany (I\'m sure there\'s one here too I just haven\'t checked yet), which is enough to make about 6.3 grams of pure LSD, or 63,000 doses. Actually it might\'ve been 1 gram per/ gallon, I forget, but still 20 milk-jugs full of water and small amounts of micronutrients/sugars isn\'t hard to acquire.

    I\'m surprised it isn\'t more common, the truth is most people believe the myths that it\'s impossible to make or you need thousands of dollars worth of lab equipment and a PhD in Chemistry. This isn\'t true: a basic distillation setup/vacuum (costs like 500 bucks for the vacuum and maybe 600 for a full distillation setup with various glass sizes and a heatplate/stirrer) is basically all you need.

    People like to think acid is very hard to store; really, all you need is a dark glass and a carbon tank. Put the pure crystal in the dark glass (like an empty vanilla extract bottle), fill the bottle with pure CO2, cap it, and store it at room temperature (maybe a freezer for years on end). Voila that\'s all there is to it. I\'m majoring in chemistry and you do harder stuff than this before you get your Bachelor\'s.
  12. wunschshrek my buddy brought some 2C-E down from new york to baltimore a couple months ago, that shit was fucking intense id love to get some more, probably the same shit u had lol
  13. shrooms are too depressing. acid FTW
  14. I wonder what happened to the OP...

    First time tripping + concert + lots of people = freaked out 3hrs into trip

    Thats my guess
  15. Synthetic Mescaline or Psycobilyn?
  16. i\'ve done both a lot of times and for your first time, i wouldn\'t take it at a show. the first time i did shrooms we went to my friends ranch and tripped balls and walked around. i\'ve done acid at shows and it can be hit or miss depending on how much you take. definatly a fun time though...just don\'t overdue it.

    oh, and never take 4 grams of shrooms and go to disneyland...
  17. Yeah shrooms have their place, but they aren\'t really recreational. Shrooms are religious and philosophical, I just get lost in my own world and think about death and reincarnation and stuff, and if I\'m with a bunch of friends going like \"OH MAN DUDE HE\'S SO FUCKED UP!!!11!\" or if I\'m at a concert, well that can turn shit south fast.

    Acid can be really mind-expanding too at higher doses, but a \"normal\" dose of acid is funner and less introspective than a \"normal\" dose of shrooms.
  18. m 19 and i have done both of them once. i know i like acid better than shrooms. shrooms are WAY more emotional that acid. i liked both but the shrooms will fuck w ur head. i didnt like a lot of people around when i did them...but that could just be me. acid is more visual than shrooms. you get a good body buzz from both but the shrooms are more intense. if you ask me if i would do acid or shrooms right now i would say acid. but either one you do dont do too much. i ate like an 1/8 to myself my first time, n i tripped nuts, but when i did acid it was good shit so i did one hit n i enjoyed myself but i wasnt too fucked up that i didnt know what was real n what wasnt
  19. take 2 g\'s of boomers and you\'ll be great. my first acid trip was WAY to intense for me to go to a concert. mushies made me stoked about the world.
  20. Acid....AMT.....2ci
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