Shrooming mon

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by crackrockstdy89, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. So i tonight was gonna turn out to be lame, but looks like the table's have turned. My buddy picked up a big batch of mushrooms, and is gonna be selling them cheap. So we're planning on each eating an eighth or so and going snowboarding/sledding at this park near my house. Should be fun as fuck, i have never gone snowboarding tripping on anything. I'll let ya know how it goes, wish me luck
  2. damn dude that sounds fun as shit. if all goes well i should be tripping on shrooms and jamming on some badass punk rock with some cool ass dudes on tuesday.

    let us know how it is!

  3. haha at first i thought you said you had never been on a snowboarding trip or anything

    like it was your first time boarding . LOL

    but just be careful brooo

    should be fun...enjoy
  4. It was fucking intense. It's been about 4 hours since i've eaten teh shrroms, and still feeling them somewhat. The visuals on these weren't too intense, but the body buzz was great. We ate them up, smoked a few fat bowls and headed up to the park. Nothing really kicked in until i walked up the hill and got my board laced up. Just looking down on that huge hill of snow adn seeing people flying down it sent me into a laughing fit for like 10 minutes, i don't know why i could nont stop. Then, flying down that hill with the world slowly moving down with me, was just amazing. I can't recommend this idea enough. About to go smoke a bowl and let my mind recuperate. Hope u all had a good night grasscity, peace my brothas.
  5. thats awesome dude. why wouldn't you recommend it? dangerous?

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