Shroom trip report

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by pocket biscuits, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. #1 pocket biscuits, Jan 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2009
    I took a half eighth of shrooms for the first time yesterday, it was a trip. it was kinda like salvia, but less intense, and... nicer. Fear and loathing was fun to watch, though I had no clue what was going on.
    I took maybe half a gram of caps and stems orally, and i took about 1.2 grams into a cup of tea. I reused the teabag just to get all i could out of it. Still got half the bag left, tomorrows gonna be fun again haha.
  2. Some people can't wait for shrooms to be over, some people like myself are sad when the shrooms finally wear off, and doing them everyday is definitely something that goes through my mind.. The reason you want to put a break in between trips of at least a week or 2 is because you don't want them to lose their magic my friend, shrooms, weed, etc are all gifts, but can without a doubt be over used to the point of making the cons of outweigh the pros of using the substance if you get my drift.. Like how crack heads keep smoking crack even though they don't really get an effect anymore, this is the cons outweighing the pros, although with crack I'd say the pros never outweigh the cons with or without moderation or any kind of responsibility.
  3. my older brother used to be heavily into hallucinogens, and he tripsat for me to make sure everything went okay, and also to make sure i didnt take any more than half an eighth. there were a few minutes in the kitchen where i could tell that the trip could definitely go awry if i tried to cling to my ego, but i love ego death. the only time i've ever had a bad "trip" was with weed one time. i smoked a giant tulip when i was still pretty new at it, and well, i couldnt handle it. that was the first time id ever lost total sense of self, which my ego only lessened on shrooms yesterday, it wasnt completely gone. but i loved the new perspective shrooms gave me, unlike weed where im just high and happy, it gave the feeling that everything had its own energy. i had some slight hallucinations, things were mildly swirling on the walls, and making tea was extremely difficult. haha.

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