i think your best bet is to eat them 7 grams between 3 people may just be enough to get everyone trippin, although 8 or 9 is better.
you don't know what your talking about, i've tripped of half a gram... it really depends on how good the shrooms are. I would say that 7 grams would be about perfect for 3 people, something like 2 grams of shrooms per person would be good for the inexperianced people and 3 for the experianced guy
id say 2 per newb and 3 for the experienced guy, but if they've NEVER done it before I'd say 2 per newb and 1.75 for the experienced guy. It's good to take enough to trip a little and be able to feel the vibes the fellow trippers are giving off, but sober enough to be able to handle the new guys if they start getting the fear.
If you tripped off of a half of a gram, then they most definitively were not Cubensis. Either that, or your definition of tripping is waaaay different from mine. OP, are they Cubensis?
yeah golden teachers are pretty sweet but strain name doesn't tell you a ton, how long they've been sitting around, how they've been stored will all have way more to do with the potency than strain. The most potent GT's I've gotten I was able to trip just as hard on 1.75 as I'm usually able to off 3.5...amusingly enough I took 3.5 my first go with them and DAMN! If you're tripping off .5 you probably had Pan Cyans or Pan Cams, pan cams dosage is supposed to be somewhere along the lines of .5 for an experienced tripper
Put a couple cups of water on the stove top, let the water come to a boil, then take off...then drop in the ground up shrooms and let sit. Typin' with one hand
All i can get in my town are pan cams and cubes its like, pretty cheap too. cubes 5$/g pan cams 12$/g