shroom help.

Discussion in 'General' started by xcraighebert, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. So long story short, I have acquired an ounce of shrooms. I have never taken shrooms before and would like some information. I plan on using them as pizza toppings to muffle the taste, and taking them with 2 other friends.
    How many grams should I take if its my first time? Should we have a sitter, if there is 3 of us there?
  2. just take 1/8 for your first time, thats more than enough to trip balls

    the pizza is a good idea, because they taste horrible and its a giant waste to throw them up : /, and about a sitter i would say shouldn't get too out of hand as long as you are with your friends, i personally dislike bieng around people who arent also tripping while i'm on shrooms.
  3. At least 3 grams, but you might as well go with 3.5g to keep it even.

    Grinding up and putting into chocolate or peanut butter is the best tasting from my experience. On a pizza will just make you weirded out by pizza for a while.

    And I would wait to smoke until after you fully feel it. And weed is essential after the trip peaks.

    A sitter? I've never heard of that :confused:
  4. I'd say a half eighth.

    It was enough to fuck me up my first time and I'm no small creature.

    Also, fuck trying to mask the taste. They will taste bad no matter what, and I find eating them with food changes their effect on me.

    I put a few pieces in my mouth(by themselves) and chew and grind until its all a nasty paste, swallow, repeat as necessary.

    Also I'd get a sitter if you plan on going places, which is always recommended on shrooms.

    I guess that'd be more a drive, not a sitter.
  5. Well technically, I plan on eating them on an empty stomach because the pizza
    will be the first thing Ive eaten all day. I get cranky when im hungry, so I almost
    have to eat the shrooms with something else. We did plan on eating them and then
    going to see fireworks like 5 hours later. Would it be safe to drive a car after 5 hours?

  6. Depends on if you're still fucked up.

    If you are, I'd say no to driving.

    Let me know if you do, I'll be sure to stay off the LIE haha
  7. On an empty stomach you can eat less shrooms, but you will feel crappy eating them raw on an empty stomach. Take with food.

    5 hrs you should be fine.
  8. haha, I could only imagine driving on the LIE while on shrooms.
    Im already a terribly reckless driver as it is. Deff going to avoid that one.

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