Last night the wierdest shit happened to me. Me and a few friends were sitting around smoking and watching "The Hangover" When all of a sudden I started to see little black blobs forming everywhere in my field of vision, they multiplied like cells until i could hardly see through them. I started to get very nervous obviously so i told my friends i had to leave, when i went outside it was dark out, the blobs were gone but i couldnt see further than 2-3 feet, everything past that point was pitch black. I told the dude driving what was happening since he was about to find out anyway, then i had to feel my way to his car door like i was blind or something. When we were both in the car i told him to turn on a light because i literally couldnt see anything but blackness. The lights on his radio started glowing and started shooting out wierd designs, like blue lightening bolts n shit. Then everything kinda just faded back to Normal. Idk why this happened, the weed we were smoking was the same stuff weve been smoking for weeks now, and nobody else experienced anything like this, so i know it wasnt laced. Today my friend told me that my eyes were extremely dilated during my little episode but he didnt wanna say anything at the time. The only semi-logical conclusion i can draw from this is that perhaps i was having some kind of flashback from doing excess amounts of shrooms, but i havnt done them in probably 6 months. This ever happen to anyone else?
Na, and I've taken mushrooms like 60 times and acid like 10 times. Only thing I can think of is maybe you had an anxiety attack? Sometimes your body can react weird from an anxiety attack. I've never had anxiety in my life but last year at work I felt like my lungs were collapsing and my heart was giving out. I started hyperventilating and I lost circulation to my hands. My fingers turned really pale and curled up into claws, I couldn't even feel my fingers at the worst part. I called 911 but by the time the paramedics got there I was calming down and blood was returning to my hands. They told me it was tell tale signs of an anxiety attack and I signed a waver so I wouldn't have to go to the emergency room. That's never happened to me again, but I was convinced I was having a heart attack/lungs collapsing/or stroke. It wasn't anything like what happened to you, but your mind can do funny things that make your body not function properly.
I don't think your episode had anything to do with drugs. Something was preventing your eyes from receiving light, hence the black dots and dilated pupils. I don't know what, but if it happens again I suggest you see a doctor so he can tell you. Fading vision is a common sign of a lack of oxygen, so I guess that could be from smoking. Were there any other symptoms? Light-headedness or shortness of breath?
thats messed up man. i dunno since ive one shrooms, colors have been been acting differently for sure. sometimes i see them mixing and twisting if i set my head blank and stare in one spot. i would get my vision checked out if i cuoldnt see... thats for sure