Shroom Flashback?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by xerbia, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. So i'v heard that cracking of the spine or neck can trigger an lsd flashback. Last night when I was jacking off I think I started having a shroom flashback, am I going to be okay?
  2. I think you'll be ok
  3. lmao yeah, you'll probably be ok
  4. i now have tracers 24/4 from to much shrooms some times i love it but now its harder than fuck to drive at nite cause the headlights trace as they go by
  5. I love how you corelated cracking of the spine/neck to beating off. Did you start having a flash back when you nutted?
  6. *splooge*
    Oooooo my desk is moving....

    The active ingredients in shrooms are water soluble. They're all out of your body within 3-4 days MAX. Normally 2-3 they're gone. This means that a "flashback" is 100% psychological, it's all in your head. If you're seeing tracers of things, small things change colors, slight breathing, that might just be the lingering from the trip, my LSD has lingering effects for ~4 days I'd say, especially after smoking weed.
    If problems persist, you might have HPPD, or hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. But that's not on the scale of a full flash back, normally just small twitches in reality I s'pose you could call it.

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