I know, a similar thread was made already.This is the 3rd time I got busted smoking weed. The first two times was via drugtest and they heard I smoked. But this time I was in the frontporch when they arrived early from the movies because it was soldout. So, now they're telling me to go search online how many drugaddicts started off with marijuana. I told em; go search how many drugaddicts started with alcohol'. But theyre in denial:\. So anyways I was planning on showing him the union as soon as its done downloading. Has anybody else showed this to their parents and did it work? And is the union a good movie to show them so they can chillout a bit?
hhahaha ya i remeber that point in my life with the parents...its funny how things turn out tho ya the union should do the trick for awareness's sake but u know parents; they'll always fall on the elephant in the room and just say: "At the end of the day MJ is illegal and alcohol isn't" atleast thats the case with me... If they are receptive though its definitely worth the shot
The Union got my parents away from the "it will kill you, kill your brain cells, etc." to "it's illegal." They hate to lose, so when you own them with The Union they'll start talking about the illegality of it.
You think telling them downloading internet movies/music is illegal but we both still do it and they let me drive the car(under vigilance)for training, without a license witch is also illegal would help? I read your thread too.Were they chiller though about it after the movie?
Yeah, my mom was always pretty chill but it cemented chillness in her. My dad is the one who won't let me smoke, if I lived with just my mom I could smoke without issues. But my dad still does the, "it's illegal" deal.
With me it's my mom and dad who are completely brainwashed, both of them are completely unchill about it. I'm gonna show my dad first right now. I'll let you know how it went.
Show it to both at the same time, that way they can't communicate with each other for one to go into it close-minded. And if they're brainwashed about it's negative health side effects, The Union should change that if they're at least semi-open-minded.
dont worry arnold's got you... New Law: Fine, Not Jail, for Pot Possession | NBC San Diego u could show them this to..