Do any blades out there love new ports as much as I do? I sometimes won't even smoke any bud if I don't have a newport on deck for afterwards
Show some love for rat poison, hydrogen cyanide, carpet glue, and a bunch of other random disgusting shit.
So you sometimes wont smoke natural weed with no chemicals in it just because you cant follow it up with cheap tobacco doused in cancer causing chemicals.
haha no wonder this is in apprentice tokers Tobacco in general is nasty, cop more weed and smoke that all the time
Camel filters all day. and lol at the people putting down cigarettes. Cigarettes aren't "doused" in cancer causing chemicals. Carcinogens are produced during combustion, just like when you smoke weed. I'm not putting down weed or sticking up for tobacco, I'm just saying, get your shit straight. The main thing thats dangerous about tobacco is that its addictive, very addictive, and is radioactive. Thats why cigarette smokers end up dying of cancer. Inhale radioactive smoke for 40 years, shit happens.