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Show on the History Channel

Discussion in 'General' started by Leif, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. I'm watching some show about hippies, drugs, and stuff. They are talking about weed right now, interesting shit. And toking a bowl while watching it makes it all the better.
  2. Not watching it right now but is it called "The Drug Years"?
  3. "The Drug Years" is on VH1, The documentary's on the history channel are called "Illegal drug and how they got that way", It spans multiple episode each one focusing on a seprate drug, Where as "The Drug Years" is an overview of our our drug history, Beginning in the 60's and the acid tests.

    I watch way to much tv:laughing:
  4. This was more about hippies, it just had a lot to do with drugs.
  5. Then it must have been "The Drug Years," Cause the other one is more about the drug its history and legality, Are you sure it was on the history channel? Cause the only place i have ever seen "The Drug Years" is vh1.
  6. Man it seems like I always miss the best specials on the history channel. They always have some good programming
  7. Its called "Hippies". I've seen it a few times. Including last night.
  8. Yeh, The history channel's " Illegal drugs, and how they got that way" is an interesting show. It's non-biased for the most part- just the straight facts. It's a pretty neat show.
  9. History channel rocks, they always have good shit on like that. I saw about half of Hippies I have it recorded still need to finish it.
  10. I saw a little bit of it... I saw the part when they were talking about the activist. How the real activist thought the hippies were just being drugged by the government so the anit-war movement wouldn't go down.

    When I first saw this thread I thought you were gonna be talking about "Human Weapon". That show rocks.
  11. Ya i also watched parts of it last night, ive seen it a few times though so it was nothing really new.
  12. That's right. I watch too much TV and have seen both of those shows(blame it on Tivo). I like how almost every major controlled substance at one point was legal. Sigmund Freud was addicted to slamming coke and thought it was a miracle drug until he got addicted. Good show.

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