i don't like jagermeister, it's too sweet. I prefer a good old fire whiskey myself (Fighting Cock Bourbon Whisky 103 proof).
i like my whiskey's to be 80 proof-90 proof range that way i can drink it and still enjoy it without raping my throat i will take whiskey over anything tho. a nice Jim n Coke and i am set to go
lol, yeh, those things last me a while though, as whenever I get drunk on them, I ALWAYS feel sick the next day no matter what, lol.
yeah i get sick when i swallow too much cock too (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) but seriously that stuff kicks my ass
fighting cock is good for the proof and all. but try jameson's whisky. nothing special its 86 proof. but i seriously think there is something inherently evil in the distilleries that produce that liquor. i get so twisted off of jamesons and jager...im a walking bar fight waiting to explode. good thing i enjoy a good fight.
Liquid Cocain....Try this out fellas. 1/4 jager 1/4 goldschlager 1/4 peppermint schnapps (100 proof) 1/4 bacardi 151... mix them all together..pour shots, taste like candy, get fucked up.... Oh yeah...I think we added all the proofs up once an it came to 360proof all together....We were drunk so i dont know what the fuck really happened...
haha that sounds good as shit, im going to have to give that a try. jager is like the only hard alch i can drink alot of and not get horrible gutrot.