Shout from Quebec Canada

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Cashman(819), Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Whatup everyone?

    My good bro showed me this site some time this summer after a nice bong sesh and figured why not try it out.
    I was born and raised in Gatineau, Quebec Canada english, so that was a little hard to get used to. I must admit i love the french, bilengual myself. Theres so much pride here and the french canadian is by far my most favorite stereotype n' i'm proud to be one.
    Started smoking in about the 8th grade, smoke everyday now. I love snowboarding in the winter and playing ball but most of all i love partying it up everynight with all my good buddies smoking joint after joint, blunt after blunt and so many bong hits i make cypress hill look bad (jk i wish). All in all i'm proud of what i do, who i am and all the fucking weed i smoke.

    Peace out from the 819 n take care.
  2. Go to Wakefield every year and you might know the people I know.Not really big towns.Welcome:hello:

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