shouldn't it be easy?

Discussion in 'General' started by Unclescam777, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. I've personally never tried to grow weed but in theory shouldn't it be easy to grow? After all it's called weed for a reason right? It just seems like people make it so complicated and if it's really a weed it should grow within a wide range of conditions. Could someone clarify this?
  2. So it is easy? Then why do others make it seem so complicated? Or is growing the easy part and maintaining proper soil while dealing with problems such as mold the hard part? I really don't understand what is so hard about growing a weed. One day when I actually own a house I'd like to grow, but first I need to understand what is so hard about it, because a lot of people have trouble growing
  3. weed is a weed.... Weeds grow very easily. it just seems hard with advanced growing techniques to try and get bigger/better buds
  4. growin weed is easy, but growin good weed takes a lil skill. thats how i think it goes.
  5. think of it like a litre of white wine and litre of Vodka..........same amount of liquid, but one will get you pissed and the other one will probably kill you only need 1/4 of a litre of vodka to get the same effect as a litre of you use less of a more potent better all round........

    but to be honest and only semi stoned as to my really stoned reply above............all the technical stuff is to strive for perfection, what the human race has allways wanted to achieve...........those big ass buds, with sugar on some stick iki iki..........ooooowee..........Peace out........Sid
  6. man if you ever buy shwag make sure you plant the seeds anyways!! I've been getting rid of my seeds in some funny ass fucked up places!! like the church accross the street and the courthouse's fun!!!
  7. LOL ive tried growing before, it was fun i guess, then when i smoked it i got pretty high, whats so funny is, my friend tried to "fertilize" his plant by taking a sh*t on it... what a moron...

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