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Should You Smoke Rez?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by flyingtigers, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Alright so i was just wondering if u could smoke the rez from inside a pipe or a bong shaft or is it bad for you? my friend says its very expesive for a gram or rez and it will get u rediculously high. What do you guys think?
  2. People don't sell resin, LOL. But it does get you really damn high, just tastes like shit.
  3. Your friend is an idiot. Anyone who would even buy a gram of resin is either stupid, or well... stupid. You can smoke it, but you won't get ridiculously high.
  4. You shouldn't smoke resin.
    But trust me, you will.
    You will.
  5. man, somebody must be 14.
    resin is bad. and if you actually buy a gram of it. you've been robbed.
    If and when you buy a gram please proceed to take all of your clothes off and do cartwheels.
  6. I remember when i was 16 and thought resin was cool before BANNED!
  7. I wouldn't do it often... but people do desperate things when they are out of bud.

    And if someone is selling you resin, don't bother.

    But it sounds like your friend has resin confused with hash.
  8. hahaha your friend is a dumb fuck, i throw my resin away. sure it gets you high, but it doesnt last as long, it tastes bad, you can taste it for hours after you smoked it. stick to bud kid.
  9. resin is ok to smoke. gets me BAKED everytime. definately not worth buying...
  10. ought you? no. Should you? Up to you. Will you? Many times.
  11. alright thanks everyone i guess i wont smoke it with mny friend when gets it all from his pipe lol
  12. that resin is pretty much tar, dont smoke that shit man. just gross and nasty.
  13. Like everyone else says, you scrape your pieces for resin, you don't buy it. :rolleyes: Tastes like complete shit, but gets you hella fucked up, have fun. :smoke:
  14. that shits gross it gets on my teeth everytime i smoke blunts
  15. smoke it and see if you like it. its not going to kill you. and its good for when you have no bud. and no one sells rez. its free. scrape it from a pipe if you have one.

  16. :hello:

    Spoken like a man who has had many a disgusting, carcinogenic hit in his day.
  17. .

    The high is different for everyone. I get crazy giddy when I smoke resin that lasts for 30mins-1hr and some people say it's just a shitty high that lasts 15 mins.

    And no one sells If you have a piece, scrape it every month. Save the resin and smoke it when you're dry. You'll thank yourself.
  18. It seems too dirty to be smoked...rez.. nasty shit.

    Does it get me high? No, feel like im dying.
  19. yeah, it happens sometimes.
  20. Ohh shit this! Lol. Its the truth.

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